[TAS] Demonfear Map 15 No Monsters in 0:02.23 by almostmatt1

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DdagDiyMf8

Duration: 0:04

Information in the text files submitted alongside demos may contain errors, missing information, links that are now dead, or contact info that is no longer valid. In particular many .txt files refer to doomedsda.us, a demo archive that no longer exists. Everything has been left as-is, with the goal to accurately represent the material as it appears in the archive. Links to the PWAD & Demo on dsdarchive.com are found at the bottom of the description.

Demo created (YYYY/MM/DD): 2023-10-10
** .Txt File **

IWAD: Doom 2
PWAD: Demonfear
Map: 15
Skill: Ultra-Violence
Category: No Monsters
Exe: XDRE 2.22a (Custom build)
Time: 0:02.23
Author: almostmatt1

I really wanted to try to do a sequence of fire rocket - open door - rocket explodes - shrunk corpse slides under door, but I couldn't get it to work while shooting on the first possible frames after grabbing the rocket launcher. It's possible to grab the rocket launcher a little sooner by ending the wallrun sooner and heading towards it, but I think this would end up costing more time than it'd save by being able to fire a rocket sooner.

You travel east in this map. For the first wallrun the y position relative to the wall is reached at tic 8 but the wallrun doesn't begin until tic 10, because an actual collision doesn't occur on tic 8 so y momentum is reduced on tic 9 before it can be in an appropriate range for the wallrun to function. I tried getting a "semi-wallrun" on a collision frame on tic 9 for a partial boost (you can get a distance moved increase of 1.5x momentum for a frame instead of a wallruns standard 2x if you collide with the wall in the right way), but after a bunch of brute forcing it appears that doing it this way instead was fastest, or at least resulted in the most eastern position on tic 10. This was a bit surprising but it is what it is I guess. Arcing towards walls for wallruns is weird, especially since there are multiple ways of colliding with the wall to get different kinds of wallrun starts. It's one of those things that are a bunch of extra work for a very small payoff but can occasionally result in an extra frame saved here and there by reaching momentum thresholds sooner... unfortunately I was just a bit too short in this case.

My initial plan was to do a nightmare run and get the cyber to blow me up and fling me under the door, might do that some time later when I'm not feeling so rusty. This gets quite close to syncing in UV-Speed but I'd really rather do a nightmare run if I'm going to do anything with monsters.

Technically also NoMo100s I guess. :)
** Viddump & Upload Details **
IWAD: Doom 2
Source Port: DSDA-Doom 0.26.2
Smooth Demo Playback: On
Smooth Demo Playback Factor: 2
Change Palette On Pain: Off
Use Extended HUD: Yes
** Links **
PWAD Link: https://dsdarchive.com/files/wads/doom2/4345/dmonfear.zip
Demo File Link: https://dsdarchive.com/files/demos/eviternity/67991/evitep3xo731.zip