The Full Spectrum TTRPG Podcast: Episode 100 - Norse Mythology

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Duration: 2:07:09

Tonight we talk Norse Mythology and how to use it in TTRPGs!

Live from around 7ct to 9ct!

Odin - Odin is the chief god of Norse mythology, known as the god of war, wisdom, and death. He is typically depicted as an older man with a long white beard, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a cloak.

Thor - Thor is the god of thunder in Norse mythology and is known for his strength and his trusty hammer, Mjolnir. He is often depicted as a tall, muscular man with red hair and a beard.

Loki - Loki is the trickster god of Norse mythology, known for his mischievous and often dangerous behavior. He is a shape-shifter and is often depicted as a handsome, charming man with a mischievous grin.

Freyja - Freyja is the goddess of love, fertility, and war in Norse mythology. She is often depicted as a beautiful, strong-willed woman wearing a cloak of feathers and carrying a necklace called Brisingamen.

Yggdrasil - Yggdrasil is the world tree in Norse mythology that connects the nine worlds. It is an immense ash tree with roots that reach into the underworld and branches that stretch up into the heavens.

Valknut - The Valknut is a symbol in Norse mythology made up of three interlocking triangles. It is often associated with Odin and is thought to represent the power of the god to bind and unbind things.

Mimir - Mimir is a wise giant in Norse mythology who guards the well of wisdom beneath the roots of Yggdrasil. Odin consults with Mimir for wisdom and knowledge.

Ragnarok - Ragnarok is the final battle in Norse mythology, in which the gods will fight against the giants and other monsters, ultimately resulting in the destruction of the world.

Aesir - The Aesir are the primary gods in Norse mythology, led by Odin. They are associated with war, wisdom, and the sky.

Vanir - The Vanir are a group of gods in Norse mythology who are associated with fertility, wisdom, and the earth. They are often in conflict with the Aesir, but eventually make peace and merge with them.
Fenrir - Fenrir is a monstrous wolf in Norse mythology and is the son of Loki. He is a symbol of chaos and is destined to fight against the gods during Ragnarok.

Jotunheim - Jotunheim is the realm of the giants in Norse mythology, located in the east. The giants are often depicted as enemies of the gods, and many of the Norse myths involve battles between the two.

Heimdall - Heimdall is the guardian of the Bifrost bridge, which connects Asgard (the home of the gods) to the rest of the world. He is often depicted as a handsome, strong-willed man with golden armor.

Sleipnir - Sleipnir is an eight-legged horse in Norse mythology that is ridden by Odin. He is the son of Loki and is known for his incredible speed and strength.

Hel - Hel is the goddess of the underworld in Norse mythology and is the daughter of Loki. She rules over the dead and is often depicted as half-dead and half-alive.

Norns - The Norns are three goddesses of fate in Norse mythology who are responsible for weaving the web of fate that determines the destiny of all beings. They are often depicted as old women who live near the well of fate.

Valhalla - Valhalla is the hall of the slain in Norse mythology and is ruled by Odin. It is a place where the bravest warriors go after they die in battle, and they are honored with feasting and fighting.

Mjolnir - Mjolnir is the hammer of Thor in Norse mythology and is one of the most important symbols of the religion. It is said to be able to crush mountains and create thunderstorms.

Ginnungagap - Ginnungagap is the primordial void in Norse mythology that existed before the world was created. It is said that the first beings were created from the collision of fire and ice in this void.

Idun - Idun is the goddess of youth and fertility in Norse mythology and is the keeper of the golden apples of immortality that keep the gods young and strong.

Yggdrasil - Yggdrasil is the world tree in Norse mythology that connects the nine worlds of the Norse cosmology. It is said to support the entire universe and is often depicted as a massive ash tree.

Huginn and Muninn - Huginn and Muninn are the two ravens that sit on Odin's shoulders and bring him information from all over the world. They are often depicted as black birds with wise and curious expressions.

Ragnarok - Ragnarok is the apocalypse in Norse mythology, during which the gods will fight against the giants and other monsters in a final battle that will result in the destruction of the world.

Freyja - Freyja is the goddess of love, fertility, and war in Norse mythology. She is often depicted as a beautiful, powerful woman with golden hair and is associated with the magic of seidr.







The Creation of the World

The Mead of Poetry

The Death of Baldur

The Binding of Fenrir

The Theft of Thor's Hammer

The Death of Sigurd

The Saga of the Volsungs

The Lay of Thrym

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Norse Mythology