Touhou Elegant Impermanence of Sakura - nmnbfs st4 boss (lunatic, marisa & yuyuko)

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Duration: 4:11

I'm a bit late to the party when it comes to this game, but I finally decided to learn it because it seems fun.

Anyway, this boss seems... Not bad as far as stage 4 bosses go? Okay, maybe my point of view is a bit sketchy in that regard because I mostly play IN lmao

The first non is aimed stuff so you just tap, then there's 1 wave that's aimed around and it will get you if you move too far. The bullets she shoots after the one aimed around, uh... not sure if they are fully aimed? Either way, I just react to them and move right.

1st spell is really easy with marisa + yuyuko because you can kill 2 of the familiars she spawns without basically any effort. The strat I have is really braindead, I just bottomhug under her and dodge the bullets either left or right based on the boss indicator. This is important because you want to kill the familiars, otherwise things can get sketchy. When you bottomhug like I do, you're completely safe from the curvy lasers. They'll literally never hit you. As I said, this spell is really easy.

2nd nonspell is... weird. You have to get used to the way the bubbles move. The first wave is always 4 taps right, and 2nd wave is always 4 taps left. You just have to find the initial gap, and you'll get through the rest of the bubbles as long as you keep tapping. The 3rd wave is completely different and pretty easy, because there is no sketchy movement involved. Then it repeats, typically it takes around 3 cycles to die. Can be a bit spooky at first, but I imagine it's really consistent with enough practice.

2nd spell is wack, because you just sit at the bottom under her the entire time, which... is certainly not something that's your first thought when you see it, huh? You have to dodge some pretty easy bullets she shoots at first, and then move up to avoid the clusters coming from the side. After that, you still have to beware potential sniper bullets coming from the sides, because they can get ya if you're not careful. Generally not a hard spell.

3rd non is fun. Generally there is a 3-stage reading cycle here:
- make sure you're not in the way of the bubbles that spawn the bacteria bullets
- read the gap between the bacteria and dash through it
- as you're dashing, already start reading the bubbles that are after the lane
- repeat (definitely DO make sure that you're not in the way of incoming bubbles, they are dangerous)

3rd spell is kinda just chaos, it can give some weird RNG sometimes but most of time it's fine. My strat for it is just not getting hit 4Head (and trying to make sure I don't get walled by bullets the familiars shoot, I guess)

4th non is also pretty fun, though not as fun as 3rd one. It may seem similar at first, but it's completely different. Here you have to go on a pretty long journey through the lanes of bacteria for the first 2 waves, which can involve switching between focus and unfocus constantly. Then, the next 2 waves (I'll call them weird waves) are supposed to trick you by looking similar to the 1st 2 but then being very different. Generally, I try to make sure than I'm on the right side of the screen for the 1st weird wave and on the left side for the 2nd weird wave, as it seems to work out better with my brain. Then, she just shoots more bullets that you just kinda have to just not get hit by.

The 4th spell is basically just streaming through a lot of bullets, make sure to read a bit ahead or you might find yourself in front of a mini-wall (and hecking die). She moves in a way that makes it easy to damage her, but being too aggressive in terms of staying under her and not using the opportunities to get through the bullets can screw you over, so watch out for that. I think trying to speedkill it is more dangerous than taking it a bit slower (and safer)

And then we have the LS, which starts with a wave of... stuff that you can dodge by tapping once, and then you have to move to the center. I think it's her hardest spell, though there might be some staticness to it that I haven't really figured out yet; it's an LS and I don't really care enough to try figuring it out. Especially with the like... 15 seconds of downtime at the beginning before literally anything starts hapenning onscreen.

god damn I wrote an essay, maybe I'll do it for other bosses too xd (and stages..????)

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