Tulnar, Desert Biomes, Landform and more from Ashes of Creation

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL0x1XeecDI

Duration: 9:26

Intrepid Studios did their July 2022 update on Ashes of Creation and there was a lot in it. They included new previews of the Desert Biome, The Empyreans, Ren’kai and the Tulnar reveal. They also spent a lot of time talking about Landform, their new Unreal Engine 5 tool that allows the artists to create directly inside of the engine instead of having to constantly rework and then re-import from 3rd party programs. I highly recommend watching the entire segment with Steven and the artists where they are talking about Landform as it has more than just impacts on Ashes of Creation.

The big talking points for this live stream are:

What do you think of the Tulnar reveal?
Do you think the new Ren’kai direction is too cartoony?
What do you think about what they showed off of the desert biome and the scorpion raid boss?

The entire Ashes of Creation livestream is here: https://youtu.be/23GSdvV1dB0

The forum thread I mentioned is here: https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/discussion/53080/player-feedback-request-updated-ren-kai-concept-art-shown-during-july-livestream

All of the music you hear in the background of my streams and videos is DMCA Free and available for my fellow content creators to use. If you could, swing over to https://www.youtube.com/c/pgnmusic and subscribe to that channel. I need to get the 1,000 subscribers necessary to get that channel monetized. Once that happens I will use all that money to continue making more music for people to use. You can also find the music on our website: https://pgnmusic.com/ or on Spotify at

If you are just learning about Ashes of Creation and you have not made your account yet, please consider using this referral link: https://ashesofcreation.com/r/DE3PDNGIRSPVK7Q4 Costs you absolutely nothing to use, but it helps financially support the Paradox Gaming Network so I have money to do things like giveaways for subscription time when Ashes launches.

If you want to learn more about Ashes of Creation, I suggest you swing by https://www.ashes101.com/
if you like things in an educational format or https://ashesofcreation.wiki/ if you like just the facts lined up for you. Also, I recommend https://ashespost.com/ for your transcription needs.

Also remember that I am live on Twitch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at https://www.twitch.tv/paradox_gaming_network If you have any Ashes of Creation questions, or really any questions, feel free to swing by and let’s talk.

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Ashes 101 Website for all your Ashes of Creation Educational Needs

Twitch - Where I stream on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Spotify - DMCA/Copyright Free Music for Streamers

Discord - Where you can find people to talk to about Ashes of Creation



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Jahlon Ashes of Creation
Steampunk Sniper
PGN Music
Ashes of Creation Tulnar
Ashes of Creation Renkai
Ashes of Creation Desert Biome
Ashes of Creation Landform
Ashes of Creation Caravans
Ashes of Creation Animal Husbandry
Ashes of Creation update
Ashes of Creation July 2022
Ashes of Creation Empyreans