Understanding Spirits and the importance of Mitzvot Part 01

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i7ak3pWqaw

Duration: 1:37:56

Hello all this is Dr. Lior Bar-El here with another spiritual video. I have debated making this video for some time due to it's controversial content but I have received so many emails here on fb and utube of people who are suffering from being clairvoyant some even threatened to end their lives and I wanted to make sure that they understood that they are not freaks infact they are chosen to have received a gift. Also I am a clairvoyant for those who know me already know this so ur getting information not from some book but from a fellow brother who went through what all u did and I understand the struggle and pains and migraines and im telling u it shall get better please TRUST me. U shall see it shall get better. also this is for all people as I discuss why it is so important to do great deeds in this world and how each opportunity to do great deeds u must cherish and do and not take it for granted. I will speak here about types and about Dybbuk Possession exorcisms basics about cleansing reincarnation and much much more. This is only part 01 I wanted to make this the only one but saw it went way too long and some who saw it said I left something's out so ill speak more in detail in a short video in part two. So subscribe here on utube and ull get an alert when it comes out so like dislike subscribe most important let me know what u feel about this I know its overwhelming but it must be known because I believe when a person knows about the struggles in the afterlife they would strive to live in fear of the judgment of G-D and they shall live righteously and take advantage of every opportunity to do great deeds. Yes people it's a boatload of information and even though I made it for those who feel they are inflicted I believe it is good information for all. so take it as u see fit for ur life.

here is part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d71CGZ7qvYE

After Life
white sage