Void Stranger - Playthrough 7 (Back to the start/1st Mural/Extra item/1st Shortcut)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWlBvNFoiGk

Duration: 52:46

The game skipped floor B223, considering we can skip floors with locusts and smiling statues, maybe we can use that to force enter that floor.

Here's an imgur album ID for related material: 0t0yQJM

There probably isn't much left to this game, or at least this run, my bucketlist for things to check next time:
-The murals
-The 6x6 rooms
-Floor B223
-The egg

I have the murals along with their (apparent) companion room, the floors I've beaten collected in groups of 36, and the possible connection of the snake sprites as well.
Considering that nothing else came up I'm willing to think that the snake pattern is related to the first broken mural, specially givent he fact that it fits on a 6x6 space. I don't know if I'm forcing a square peg in a round hole, but it seems to me like floor with snake = no tile, and empty ones = tile. But this remains unproven.

The reason I think I'm close to beating the game is that certain floors appear in cycles of 28 floors: you have a memory tree, then a mural, then a giant (seemingly void lords). This pattern is only broken twice with the giants, instead being replaced by suspicious looking rooms, maybe they'll appear at a later point or maybe you need to do something in said rooms for them to appear. There are 8 void lords and I already went throguh 8 such floors, and the last one was on foor B198, so I expect for something to happen in the floor B226.

I have a feeling I'm close to finishing the game, so it's a good time to recap what we know so far:

We are playing as Gray, a lady in waiting who aids Lily, a bratty and violent princess who doesn't care about royalty and yearns for freedom. Gray is both her friend, and sometimes teacher, but Gray worries as the King runs out of patience due to Lily scaring away all of her marriage candidates. This is until the knight Johann appears, making a dramatic entrance by saving the princess from bandits, making her fall in love with him.

It's later revealed that Gray made a deal with Johann to play along enough to get him married to Lily in order to later let her be free, the idea being to have the marriage be that just in paper, while Johann would presumably gain resources for his kingdom which went through a famine recently. But worried that Lily is head over heels for a man wearing a facade, she tries to call things off for which she is struck in order to be silenced.

While we're passed out, Johann made his move and now we're being accused of assaulting the princess. Considering that Lily and Johann clearly met based on the conversation, and that Lily was greatly distressed and one step away from jumping, we know that something happened to her. Hard to know if Johann did something to her directly and then threatened her and Gray, or if it's possible that Johann used one of the mimics to incriminate us.

We know that we're in the maze looking for Lily, but it's not yet clear what happened between Gray passing out and going there.
The maze in question might have been created when a meteor hit earth, if we go by one of the initial cinematics of the game.

Now when it comes to the maze itself, it was governed by the void lords who punished sinners, but it's now in a state of disarray after they fought each other. One of the lords, EUS, was so obsessed with sin that they ended up committing it themselves, which torn the rest of them as some wanted to forgive him and others hated EUS.

We get to meet Tail, a part that separated from EUS and developed her own personality - the snake lady who tells us this story in floor B030.

Oddly enough, we get to find other characters in the maze, but at least one of those seems to come from a completely different time as the protagonist, as she wore modern clothing rather than some standard medieval attire.

We also find some enemies that not only mimic our movements, but also our looks. They also seem to know us in some capacity.

Shortly after the memory from floor B224 we got not only a song with lyrics that obscure the room number, but unbeatable floors*. The game becomes a montage of unbeatable rooms where the counter keeps going up untill it becomes ???, probably mean to convey how long and long Gray spends on the maze.
*There's actually one room in the sequence that is beatable, but I didn't act fast enough ( https://www.youtube.com/live/2USR_RjHXA8?si=7xtheYn8l_VG6BPO&t=394 ). There's also a room in which I'd have liked to try talking with one of the mimics but didn't have enough time for it.

Patch notes from 1.0.2 (only the ones that weren't behind spoilers):
-Continuous acts of frustration while VOID might lead you succumbing to the Void completely... ( No idea what this could mean )
-Slightly altered the way certain enigmatic objects would react to player's actions. ( Enigmatic objects? I'm guessing this thing I found in the third video would count https://www.youtube.com/live/QDtEpWF2uOk?si=c7Q83p2YmelkiWIZ&t=3371 )
-Several typos and visual glitches have been fixed.