Woody Woodpecker Racing (Unreleased) [Dreamcast]

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDMWEk2oMLc

Duration: 53:30

This was an unreleased version for the Dreamcast that never saw the light of day, until its discovery a few months back, but the game was totally unplayable. It was rediscovered by my friend Ian Michael (https://twitter.com/IanMicheal10), and fixed it, making nearly everything playable! This here is a full racing game complete with 8 Woody Woodpecker characters, not including even more unlockables, a Quests mode, a World Championship Course, and a Time Trials mode! A must have for fans of racing games! Works on emulators & real hardware. I hope you all enjoy the video!

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/jvkzfweo57wm7b3/Woody_Woodepecker_Racing_%2528Unreleased%2529.cdi/file

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Note: I DO NOT own the rights to anything in this video, only showing love to a console I hold dear, as was Ian Michael when he fixed it up!