FelixFloetryFox88 JW

FelixFloetryFox88 JW


FelixFloetryFox88 JW is a YouTube channel which has 360 subscribers, with his content totaling more than 90.52 thousand views views across 412 videos.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC66VqBzqJBzEHmxvR7h8Ltw

About FelixFloetryFox88 JW

I'm here to Share Smash related content and live Spiritually (Matthew 5:3). I Am a lifelong DK main in Smash Ultimate and I make Smash videos

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Latest Videos

2024-07-18 4:00:53 PM ● 17 views ● 3:24
2024-07-03 4:00:18 PM ● 302 views ● 2:02
2024-06-25 4:00:32 PM ● 455 views ● 0:12
2024-06-16 4:00:02 PM ● 86 views ● 1:45
2024-06-09 12:14:28 AM ● 428 views ● 0:19
2024-05-27 4:00:23 PM ● 91 views ● 2:43
2024-05-25 4:00:03 PM ● 678 views ● 0:11
2024-05-15 4:00:19 PM ● 475 views ● 0:30
2024-05-13 4:00:39 PM ● 385 views ● 4:37

FelixFloetryFox88 JW Focused On Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The majority of the video content for FelixFloetryFox88 JW revolves around Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, making up around 72.33% of the channel's total videos and 80.54% of the total views.

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for FelixFloetryFox88 JW

On March 20, 2021, FelixFloetryFox88 JW reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate video "The Rematch | Super Smash Bros Ultimate Online", which has 6 views and 0 likes.