About PlayingBoardGames
PlayingBoardGames is a group of friends who play board games for your entertainment. They play a variety of tabletop games and love talking with chat about anything board game or food related. They’re also from Canada, so they’ll probably apologize to you for no reason.
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Latest Videos
What is the best player card expansion to buy for the Survivor class? (ARKHAM HORROR: THE CARD GAME)
2024-10-03 1:00:11 PM ● 538 views ● 0:00
Survivor (1982)
2024-10-02 10:00:40 PM ● 109 views ● 0:00
2024-10-01 10:00:37 PM ● 214 views ● 0:00
2024-09-30 10:00:14 PM ● 181 views ● 0:00
Will our draft arrive Before the Black Throne? (The Circle Undone Cycle Draft Challenge #8 | ARKHAM)
2024-09-27 1:00:56 PM ● 552 views ● 0:00
2024-09-26 1:00:00 PM ● 3,159 views ● 0:00
Variety of Games on Channel
There are 233 games covered by PlayingBoardGames, consisting of 1658 videos, or 28.85% of the total videos on this channel.