Audiosurf 2 YouTube Views and Videos

Audiosurf 2

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Audiosurf 2 - Steam Store Page

Annual Statistics

YearVideos% of TotalDuration

7-Day Statistics

Last 7-DaysPrevious 7-DaysDifference
Channels: 14-75.00%
Views: 3525-99.43%
Videos: 16-83.33%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

30-Day Statistics

Last 30-DaysPrevious 30-DaysDifference
Channels: 512-58.33%
Views: 1,8653,848-51.53%
Videos: 1752-67.31%
Duration: 0:000:00NEW

Channels With The Most Views

1.United States DashieGames4,394,415
2.Germany Morleux2,007,097
3.Belgium Geoffrey619,840
4.United States Smosh Games441,581
5.United Kingdom Duncan205,443
6.Brazil Gameplayrj201,790
7.Italy GD Fabio193,819
8.United States The Hamster Alliance171,578
9.Hungary TirexiHD168,594
10.Portugal wuant166,610

Channels With The Most Videos

1.United States AY DB1,877
2.Germany Morleux429
3.United States MrAleuMcBalto 96333
4.Germany Clainekun325
5. TNT Dragon239
6.United States NickalahobiboolanAudiosurfs215
7. SuperStarAD177
8.United States iVilify163
9. mx849157
10.Hungary Tigris_Mester152

Latest Let's Plays For Audiosurf 2

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2023-12-06United States AY DBAudiosurf 2 Ep. 1753: Aiobahn - In Your Arms (feat. Ralph Lorenzo). 338K score. Super Ninja Mono.3:2321
2023-11-26 TheFantasticGreyFoxPlaysTheFantasticGreyFox Plays Audiosurf 2 [002]4:3412
2022-08-23United States Mona SammieAudiosurf 2 - Rogue - Starlight (PlayStation 4 Gameplay)4:0715
2022-08-23 WeReHD GeeKAudiosurf 2 Let's Play music #0128:0822
2022-07-14United States PolaBoreRay Volpe - What You Need | Audiosurf 2 Gameplay #33:4910
2022-05-31Canada MilnemesisLP - Lost On You (Live) / Audiosurf 25:23190
2020-04-13United States Kai KandersonLET'S PLAY!!! AudioSurf 2 - F-777: Cane Swinging3:1828
2017-11-10Germany J.ClocksonMove Your Feet by Junior Senior 🎧 Let's Play mit FaceRig - Audiosurf 28:1627
2017-11-09 Noctra GamingMAGNAVOX - Running In The 80s (Audiosurf 2 Playthrough)3:16161
2017-09-09Germany MorleuxPINK GUY - "Help" | Audiosurf 2 |2:46320
2017-01-30 Petresko CartazarAudiosurf 2: Alpha Centauri - Spiral Circus7:4837
2016-12-01Germany Kitsunaki Entertainment (Kitsunaki)AUDIOSURF 2 â–º Mini Let's Play #1311:01:4314
2016-11-20United States SoleFern[Audiosurf 2] Different Heaven - Nekozilla (LPZ Remix) [NCS Release]3:11570
2016-11-14 edan.yNAVDOG (alpha1178) - Dust and Echoes [Audiosurf 2]5:5961
2016-06-29United States cs188creationsMY EYEZ | cs188 Plays: Audiosurf 27:062,866
2016-06-04 SuperStarADFaith No More - Malpractice - Audiosurf 2 ninja mode4:2139
2016-04-14Germany CayleeLet's Play Audiosurf 2 - Audiosprint8:2660
2015-12-25Canada Jonny MusicDays Gone By [Auld Lang Syne] in E flat - (MLP:FiM) It's a Pony Kind of Christmas (Audiosurf 2)3:011,245
2015-12-06Germany HasenmafiaLp Audiosurf2 - My Baby & Le Ultra hidden track5:4421
2015-08-03 KnusperkoPPLets Battle AUDIOSURF 2 ╣05╠ Faux & Telefunk - Vertigo ✔ Let's Play Audiosurf 2 #056:314
2015-07-15Germany Xeon AlphaLet's Play Audiosurf 2  #037  Stan SB - Anyone Out There5:1436
2015-06-24United States iVilifyAudiosurf 2: Alpharock - Fawl (Original Mix)5:1760
2015-06-23Viet Nam á…šá…šRize[Audiosurf 2] Alpharock - FAWL (From Amsterdam With Love) (Original Mix)5:08149
2015-06-14United States KihanacloudyAlpharock- FAWL (Audiosurf 2 June 14th SotD)5:1185
2015-06-11Sweden MuppioLet's Play Audiosurf 2 - Aristocats - Everybody Wants To Be A Cat6:0372

Latest Reviews For Audiosurf 2

PublishedCreatorVideo TitleViews
2017-01-05United Kingdom LukozerLukozer PC Game Reviews - 053 - Audiosurf 2, by Dylan Filterer38:21249
2016-12-14 ze_gingerAudiosurf 2 Game Review5:20387
2016-09-14 mx849Simple - 1 Review6:1274
2016-02-04United States The Tech ReportAudiosurf 2: Worth a Look2:541,258
2016-01-12United States PhoenixRRAudiosurf 2 Review12:581,367
2015-06-12United States SuperDQPRefrigerated Review: Audiosurf 2 (and announcement)4:01173
2015-05-29United States IGNAudiosurf 2 Review Commentary17:4442,573
2014-06-04Germany Skeleter's Gaming LoungeSchau'n Wa Mal: Audiosurf 2 (Early-Access) [Review][PC]51:0538
2014-05-27 ChanceAudiosurf 2 Gameplay (& Review in Description)5:301,549
2010-03-30United Kingdom Pocket GamerMelvin The Menace iPhone Gameplay Video Review - AppSpy.com1:25670

Most Viewed Audiosurf 2 Video on YouTube

The most viewed Audiosurf 2 video on YouTube is MY OWN MUSIC IN THIS SH#T! [AUDIOSURF 2] with 1,734,956 views, published by United States DashieGames on June 3, 2015.

Most Liked Audiosurf 2 Video on YouTube

The most liked Audiosurf 2 video on YouTube is REACTING TO MY OLD BEATS FROM 15 YEARS AGO!!! with 68,279 likes, published by United States DashieGames on March 30, 2017.