2019/04/16 Paris - Pont de la Tournelle

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U40jdd4sD8

Duration: 1:04

French people, -christians and jewish of Paris- singing the famous hymn "Hatikva" in french last night in front of Notre-Dame right during the firemen rescue.
A little video about the recent France. As most of you should know by now, this is where I live so you will have to mind few videos about it. This is a theme I know very well and that I used to sing a lot.

Oh! Prends mon âme,
O, accept my soul
Prends-la, Seigneur,
Accept it Lord,
Et que ta flamme
And may your flame
Brûle en mon coeur.
Shine in my heart

Que tout mon être
Shall my entire self
Vibre pour toi,
Pulse for your self
Sois seul mon maître,
Be my only master
Ô divin roi.
O, divine King.

Source de vie,
Source of life,
De paix, d'amour,
Of peace and grace
Vers toi je crie,
Unto you I cry,
La nuit, le jour.
Until morning is night

Entends ma plainte,
Hear my supplication
Sois mon soutien
Be my support
Calme ma crainte,
Calm my fear
Toi, mon seul bien.
You, my only good.

Du mal perfide,
Keep my footsteps safe
Oh! Garde-moi,
From the evil ways
Viens, sois mon guide,
Come and guide me
Chef de ma foi
Master of my faith.

Quand la nuit voile
When the night hides away
Tout à mes yeux,
Everything to my eyes
Sois mon étoile,
Be my star
Brille des cieux.
Shining in the sky.