"All Your Music Sounds The Same" - :rustage

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmRhEnyPcMQ

Duration: 1:46


This is a short rap song about a common problem I have, and a reoccurring thing I hear people say

This song is also going to be on my new album "The Airlock" which is coming out soon"

an artist has a style it's the way that he paints
and nobody bats an eyelid not a single complaint
but if the sound of a muscian is the same it's a restraint
it's like repeating the same brush strokes till the day that you faint

going back and forth, not chaning course
pumping the same old shit tracks like i'm beating a dead horse
cus when I make something good, that's what I want to mantain
but it's a shame that people say "all your music sounds the same"

I have a lot of work in progress, sounds the same oh
but i have locked it away like it's from nato
sometimes it's like i'm using the same coloured play-do
i'm not some sort of genius thinker like plato

hey no, body is completely original
we've been stealing ideas since we've been aboriginal
a lyrrical indivudial that finds it hard to write
and I fight the urge to make the same song every night

outside the airlock, i'm like a scared hawk
seeing it's prey but afraid to make a fair squawk
and instead a go hungry on music cus i'm afraid
that every day I'll lose the ability to make something great

and hate that I have to state you people do this to me
i'm afraid to make music cus i'm afraid to be free
I use different chords different intruments a different rap
but nobody cares about that, it's the same tempo as that other track

it sounds the same to you, but the feeling is new
but you act like that song was mew and this one was mew two
but even then it's more advanced, it can speak and shit
so I am improving even if it's by a little bit

you don't understand how hard it is
to spend ages working on a song and be proud and of it
and then upload it on the internet for the world to see
only to get the same old comments about my unoriginality

and i'm stuck in position of unwanted intermisisons
it's my misison as a musicna to make an new addition
every time I make a new song like a music tactition
start the ignition for the emition of submmision to the same old tradition

all your music sounds the same