Assassin's Creed: Unity - incidental glitches

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Duration: 9:15

Some miscellaneous bugs and glitches from my first and hopefully only playthrough of Unity.


Mini-critique: I deeply disliked playing Unity.

On a technical level the game has its issues, sure, but the real coup de grace stems from sub-par design choices that no amount of patches can fix. The game ultimately fails to be fun - it misses the mark of what makes a game fun so bad.

It felt like the devs had streamlined the gameplay from all the wrong places. You have less control over your character than ever before, and both fighting and climbing feel absolutely tedious. I mean, you could maybe forgive Unity's other missteps, but tedium in core gameplay is something both inescapable and intolerable. This alone weighs the game down to mediocrity. ...But it doesn't end there.

Combined with the game's questionable fee-to-pay attitude and an uninvolving storyline, Unity transcends mere mediocrity and will forever be remembered by history as a real "stinker". Whew!

On the plus side, at least the bugs were pretty good.


0:00 - this NPC has some problems.

0:21 - just having fun with the crowd mechanics and NPC pushing.

0:37 - continued.

1:09 - another twitchy NPC.

(Not on the video: there's a simple shop menu glitch at least in the unpatched version that lets you buy pretty much anything for free, even locked items. So if you see Arno wearing any late-game equipment early in these clips, that's probably why.)

1:28 - Arno managed to clone himself, somehow.

2:11 - changing cloth color made the clone vanish.

2:24 - a guy sitting in a tree.

2:40 - sheathing and looting at the same time causes the animation of the former glitch up, with stylish sound effects to boot.

2:51 - a parkour oddity.

3:00 - something pretty interesting at the Theater. The same menu glitch from the shop works in this menu, allowing you to renovate something with the wrong (cheaper) price than normal.

3:59 - in addition, the menu glitch also lets you renovate something more than once. It's not very useful.

4:22 - a minor ragdoll bug.

4:39 - some snipers who are wielding air rifles in their hands. There was more than one sniper who looked like this, although not included in this clip. It was just a cosmetic thing, and became fixed once alerted.

5:01 - trying to cover against this closed doorway caused the frame rate to plummet.

5:18 - very smart enemies.

5:39 - a bouncing goat.

5:46 - whilst running, Arno got caught smack-dab in the middle of a lovey-dovey couple sitting on a bench. Things could have been awkward, but the couple didn't seem to mind too much.

6:12 - telekinetic corpse dragging.

6:26 - getting stuck on collision temporarily.

6:55 - Arno decided to disable a non-existing alarm bell while trying to loot a body.

7:12 - was trying to chase after a hot air balloon, but the roof didn't agree with me.

7:30 - an enemy's long weapon got stuck in the wall.

8:20 - another instance of Arno sheathing and looting at the same time, with a better view of Arno's hands.

8:32 - a glitched animation-less melee attack.

8:46 - more enemy A.I. and pathfinding quirks.

assassin's creed