Atomic Runner Game Sample - Genesis/MD

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Chelnov (1988)
Duration: 6:32

Original Air Date: Unknown (Approximately early February of 2009 / Revised Today!)

We originally had a decent video for this game, but at some point or another, the quality was trashed and unfixable when Youtube was playing around with new encoding features and we didn't have the original file any longer. We deleted before getting any of it's stats. The only reason I estimate it in February is because I had at least one comment that suggested such (From rang3r34)

Doesn't matter too much though; the video has been revised at higher quality and all is as it should be I suppose. Atomic Runner is a pretty cool game for the Sega Genesis that was developed by the late Data East. It's a somewhat revised version of the Arcade original story-wise, Chelnov: Atomic Runner. In this game, you play as a scientist named Chelnov who is out for revenge when the Deathtarians (a group of aliens) fatally wound (and eventually kill) his father. With his dying breathe, his father tells him that he must stop the Deathtarians and his only chance is with a secret powersuit that was developed to be the ultimate weapon, complete with gadgets and upgrades. There's some more news though; the aliens have kidnapped Chelnov's sister, Chelmi, as well.

Well, you've gotta save her and the world right? Right. So how are you going to do it? By "running" of course. You see, while you have a powerful suit, Chelnov quickly discovers that the claims of its greatness were highly exaggerrated by his dad. Super-Human? Pfft. Chelnov quickly gets outnumbered and captured, where he is tortured until he almost dies, but escapes in a bit of rage. However, this caputure has made either Chelnov or his suit very vulnerable to damn near everything, or it was just never that great to begin with. You die in one hit, sometimes with the funniest of things doing you in. With such a sensitive suit, it makes sense that the object of the game is to run and not to stay and fight.

You'll be spending the majority of the time running while shooting enemies and obstacles to collect points and power-ups. You can stop somewhat to adjust your position on the screen, but you don't usually stop until you reach a boss or some sort of blockade. Enemies come from the front and behind and you can change your direction as necessary, but it takes getting used to as you do so with a button. There are various power-ups useful for given situations and the music and presentation is pretty good. It's not the best game out there, but I think it's pretty interesting for a while. Enjoy.
