Azure UAE MeetUp: Cloud Monitoring Tuesday 03 - Azure Resources Activities monitoring with scripts

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Duration: 1:03:00

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Welcome to the series of Azure Monitor webcasts (recorded) - from the scratch to deep-dive in code...

* Azure monitoring strategy and tools review -
* Working with Azure Services Health & Resources Health over alerts and PowerShell/Graph API -
* Azure Resources Activities monitoring with alerts and scripts (this video)
* Log Analytics tables/Solutions + KUSTO language overview
* Create specific KUSTO requests for different service - VM/Backup/Storage level monitoring
* Create specific KUSTO requests for different service - Network/AppGW/ExpRoute level monitoring
* Create PowerShell Scripts/Automation runbooks to work with Log Analytics
* Configure Automation, Modules, Managed Identity to work with Log Analytics, logging settings centralized management by Azure Policy

You can find my other English presentations and webcasts in this playlist -

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2023-02-21Azure UAE meetup: Cloud Monitoring Tuesday 07 - PowerShell automation runbook for Log Analytics
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Azure UAE MeetUp
Azure Monitor
How to monitor Azure VMs
Azure Log Analytics
Igor Shastitko
Игорь Шаститко