Battle Garegga Arcade

Battle Garegga Arcade

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Duration: 30:57

Mathew Wayne, a resident of a small country town, was a mechanical genius whose aptitude and skills were passed down to his sons, Brian and Jason. After gaining leadership of his automobile factory from him, the brothers' skills became renowned throughout the country. Eventually, the Federation approached the brothers with an extremely profitable contract to help produce military vehicles for it. The Wayne brothers accepted the contract and created weapons without peer.
A short time later, the skies turned dark with the Federation's encroaching airfleet, and towns and cities everywhere were ravaged by these armies—including Brian and Jason's home town. To their horror, the Federation was using the weapons and vehicles they themselves had designed to reshape the land to their pitiless will. Taking up planes whose designs had never been submitted to the Federation, the Wayne brothers prepare to destroy the Federation's mad scheme. They are aided by the four heroes from Mahou.

Battle Garegga is a vertically scrolling shoot'em up, with the first button used for firing the main weapon and the second button to use smart bombs. In order to power up the main gun, the player must collect small Bullet items, which will power up the gun when picked in certain quantities. The player can also find occasional large Bullet items, which automatically power up the gun to the next level.
Bombs work differently from most shmups, in that the player will find small Bomb icons scattered around the stages, often dropped by ground-based enemies. Picking up these will raise the player's bomb power, which is then upgraded into a full bomb after collecting a certain amount. When pressing the bomb button the player consumes a full bomb as long as it has one in stock, otherwise it'll consume from the bomb meter for a weaker effect.
By picking up a Option item the player ship is equipped with a option drone for extra firepower, for a maximum of four options. By pressing the corresponding button the player can change the formation of the ship's options, with five basic formations available normally.

Spread: Two options on each side of the ship, one fixed by the side firing at a wide-ish angle, and one fixed near the ship's nose, firing at a tighter angle. The default formation.

Tail: The four options point backwards in a wide fan shape.

Front: The four options point straight forward, fixed in front of the ship's nose.

Rotate: The four options are spaced equally in a ring around the ship, spinning and firing along with the player.

Trace: Similar formation to Front, except the options follow the ship around the screen, firing in the opposite direction to your movements.

There are also secret formations, which are activated when the player fulfills certain requirements. These requirements are based on missing a certain number and type of item BEFORE picking up the next available Option icon.

Search: The options are fixed in a similar formation to Spread, but they track and fire at nearby enemies. To get it, the player must miss five Option items, then pick up the next one that appears.

Shadow: The option items trail the ship's movement, much like in Gradius. To get it, the player must miss 5 Medals, then pick up an Option item.

Homing : The options fly right up to the nearest enemy and attack. To get it, the player must miss 5 small Weapon items, then pick up an Option item.

Wide : The options are fixed in the same manner as the Spread formation, but have a much wider firing angle. To get it, the player must miss 5 small Shot power ups, then pick up an Option item.
Chain: Only available in two-player mode, the options will create a chain between both ships. To get it, one player must satisfy a special formation condition, and the chances of Chain activating is 50%.
The player can also cancel a special formation by pressing the formation button. Canceling a special formation puts the player straight back into Spread options.

The game features an adjustable difficulty system that will increase difficulty based on the actions of the player. Uncontrolled increase of the game's rank can quickly turn it into a manic shooter. Firing and powering up the main weapon, as well as picking up various items, will increase the difficulty of the game. Losing a life will decrease the difficulty (rank) of the game.

Unlike in most other scrolling shooter games, where bullets are often brightly colored to distinguish from the background, bullets are realistically colored, making it difficult for players to see them. Exploding enemies and objects also create flying debris, further camouflaging incoming fire. This was ameliorated to some extent in the Type 2 version, which replaces most of the standard bullets with yellow dots.


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