Besides Gaming 2009: Web Content

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Duration: 10:57

If it wasn't for the net I would easily have gone outside more often in my life. I got rid of my cable box years ago because the net provides the same and greater amount of content. You just have to get use to the inconvenience of using the PC and setting it up to your TV. One thing I have noticed with the web content is that the stuff I watch is mostly involves people younger than me. Thus making me come to the conclusion that if fifty percent of the entertainment you enjoy stars, or is produced by those younger than you, then you are technically old. Anywho, here is the list of content readily available on the web that I thoroughly enjoy. Another word of warning, it's going to be lengthily.

Game Trailers
This is probably my main go to for any game videos. I was first drawn to the site when they were doing their video game retrospectives. I was very impressed with the amount and quality of information that they pack into each retrospect. I of course recommend watching all the Final Fantasy ones, along with the Metal Gear Solid and Warcraft retrospectives.

Finally the most important videos on GT are the game video reviews. I use these to help gauge what games I'm going to try and either validate or invalidate some of my pros and cons for games that I have played. The reviews are well balanced and very concise.

The Escapist
I never heard of them until Zero Punctuation. ZP is of course easily one of my favorite web video series ever. It's not because they are mostly negative, but because the games he does end up enjoying are ironically some of my favorites, see Saints Row 2. He just shares some of my views on gaming and does an excellent job editing and creating the videos.

From ZP I started try other series available on the Escapist network. Unforgotten Realms was a nice little animated series about two guys playing classic D&D. The series starts off great but quickly went downhill after the second season due to its deviation from parodying the D&D. Eventually I stop watching it all together.

Next I started watching Unskippable, which is essentially two guys watching video game cut scenes and riffing on them. This series is great and the creators are really funny. They actually have their own video network called LoadingReadyRun which produces other funny videos. The group also is now doing the Escapist News Network, which is a nice little news parody show. This web comedy group of Canadians is easily my favorite when it comes to providing quality web content.

Then there is There Will be Brawl. An excellent gritty noir series taking place in the Nintendo universe. You get all your classic Brawl characters in a mature environment. You have to really appreciate the amount of characters and their given personas in the series. It does take a little awhile to get use to the setting and pace, but once you do and watch the epic thirty minute finale you'll know it was well worth your time.

Escape to the Movies is the Escapists movie review show starring Movie Bob. Now normally I don't like movie reviewers. It is always hard to find one that closely shares you views on movies. Movie Bob is the closest so far for me. He is grounded and knows that a film doesn't have to be perfect to be entertaining. He played a part in my choosing to watch District 9 and Up.

Rounding out my Escapist viewing is Doomsday Arcade. This is an awesome epic show of two young men trying to survive when video game characters cross over to our world and start killing everybody. Each episode showcases different game characters. The production values in this series is off the charts. It is really a great series and should be watch by any video game fan.

Huh, so that explains why I hit the Escapist website daily. To wrap up their other shows real quick. I find the Rebecca Mayes Muses bits hit or miss. Couldn't really get into the Apocalypse Lane, and only check their Presents and Reviews when I find them relevant.

College Humor
Believe it or not I really didn't start going to their site untill very late 2009. I knew about them and went to the site before if linked but never front paged it. It was mainly their videos that caught my eye. The originals and music videos are just hilarious and well produced. Luckily now because I haven't be following them that much I have tons of back logged content to keep me entertain.

Penny Arcade
They are no longer just about web comics anymore. Besides PAX and their charity work they have also started PATV. PATV is basically just giving us a little glimpse of their life at Penny Arcade. The main thing I like about the episodes are that they are shot down to earth style and not some reality show garbage. Mike an Jerry are just two dudes doing what they like and proving that if you work hard dreams can come true.
