Besides Gaming 2009: Movies

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Besides Gaming 2009: Movies

I am starting a new little series cataloging the other activities I participate in when I'm not gaming. In 2009 I watched and rewatched a ton of movies thanks to Netflix. I can't stress how much a value it is. About eleven dollars got me one disc out at a time(Blu-ray/DVD) and access to their streaming service. So eight discs a month, thanks to Tampa location, and countless SD and HD streaming content. So here I go, these are just going to be pretty much bullet point style. For the short version, the two movies that came out in 2009 that I really enjoyed and would recommend are District 9 and World's Greatest Dad. For the reasons and the rest continue reading. Word of warning, it's going to be lengthily.

District 9 (Seen in the theater)
A great solid Sci-fi movie. At first I was a little put off by the lack of PR and the initial documentary style. As the movie progressed though, I realized I was watching something great. The characters, setting, and story felt grounded and real. It's because of that, all the tech and aliens just seem that more plausible and entertaining.

World's Greatest Dad (Blu-ray)
A dark comedy starring Robin William, sounds too good to be true. Well it's not. It's actually written and directed by Bobcat' Goldthwait. It does a great job setting up the characters and relationships. It is a great father and human tale. I don't want to spoil anything, just know that it fits my sense of humor.

Watchmen (Seen in the theater and bought Blu-ray)
I finally read the comic and was looking forward to the movie. It's just as good and stylistic. The end is a little different but it gets the point across. I liked it and all the extras on the Blu-ray.

Moon (Blu-ray)
This movie was great because it did nothing I thought it would. It also doesn't swing for the fences with some crazy, outlandish, world changing melodrama. It's a solid space mystery worth watching.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (Blu-ray)
I actually found this to be an entertaining movie. A little weird how everybody was related to each other, but whatever. It is a promising beginning and shows hope for mainstream movies.

Terminator Salvation (Blu-ray)
Great action scenes, horrible plot logic. That's pretty much it.

Up (Blu-ray)
Wow, I was so pleasantly surprised with this movie. It is very depressing. Not really a kids film in my eye. It is well worth watching.

Night of the Living Dead(Streaming), Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead 1978&2004 (Blu-ray)
Finally got around to watching all of these. I enjoyed them all. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the 1978 Dawn of the Dead. I really enjoyed it as more of a time piece.

Star Trek 2009 (Blu-ray)
Better than I thought, not great not bad. I found it interesting how they explained the reboot.

The Iron Giant (Streaming)
This is a great classic children's animated movie. It has tons of heart and should be watch by everybody.

Sukiyaki Western Django (Blu-ray)
An awesome Japanese spaghetti western. Some great characters and I loved the choice to have them speak Engrish.

District B13 (Streaming)
Extreme parkour, before it was cool. A nice little foreign action film.

A Boy and His Dog (Streaming)
This was a great old school 1975 post-apocalyptic movie starring Don Johnson. It's really cool to see how far we have come in the movie making industry.

The Phantom of the Opera: Special Edition (Blu-ray)
Note really my type of movie, but that doesn't mean it's not great. I really enjoy the production values, music, plot, and extras.

Night/Day Watch (Blu-ray)
These are two great Russian super natural films. They have awesome effects and a great universe. I especially enjoyed the look into Russian society and culture.

Big Fish (Blu-ray)
This is one of those movie I just enjoy watching every now and then. It has some great acting and visuals. I think it just appeals to my whole time jump plot mechanic.

Interview with the Vampire (Blu-ray)
The classic film that is way better than any the new Twilight stuff. I always enjoy this dark tale.

Office Space (Blu-ray)
I remember when I first saw this movie back in my Arbys days. My manager lent it to me and I thought and continue to think that the movie is a classic. It encompasses a lot of my way of looking at the world.

The Princess Bride (Blu-ray)
This is one of my favorite classic comedies. It has great writing and awesome characters.

See I warned you, but hey thanks for reading. There are some movies that came out in 2009 that I would have like to see but wasn't in a hurry. They are 2012, Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, and Zombieland. For 2010 I am looking forward to these movies; Ironman 2, Hit-Girl, The Expendables, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, Legion, The Book of Eli, The A-Team, and Tron: Legacy. Pretty sure there are more but those are the ones off the top of my head.
