Death's Door Review (1 Minute)

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Duration: 0:59

I have never hated a game and bounced off so many times to eventually love a game like I did with Deaths Door. There are still problems with the game, but the early issues were mostly design choices that I wasn’t accustomed to and eventually grew to appreciate.  

The bounce off and push back from Deaths Door felt different from Souls type games that punish you into the ground, giving you a clear understanding of the issue, which is you aren’t good at this game yet.

In Death’s Door, movement and attacks felt slow, death could sometimes be quite punishing if you haven’t checkpointed in a while, there is limited health and things taken for granted in other games like railings to fall off stairs and balconies weren’t there. However, it was clear that something was there because even after frustration kept repeating, the desire to return and overcome the challenge was strong. 

On the surface you can draw comparisons to early Zelda games, which is accurate and there are similarities, but it also shares a lot of DNA with games like Dark Souls and Metroid.  

Deaths Door is not a welcoming game, which is not the norm nowadays but similar to other games that initially push people away, the true magic comes from pushing through. Overcoming the challenges that once seemed insurmountable is rewarding like very few gaming experiences. 

Deaths Door is a great game filled with a magical world that is rewarding from beginning to end from its setting, characters, bosses, secrets, abilities and everything in between.  Death’s Door is a little Zelda, a little Metroid, a little dark souls but it is a lot of originality and heart. Deaths Door is worthy of fighting through the initial resistance 

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