Discworld 2: Missing Presumed...!?/Mortality Bytes - Walkthrough - Part 1

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVVe4UtpsTY

Duration: 48:50

14:00 - After the intro to the game, when you get control of Rincewind, go to the High Energy
Facility. Pick up the Bellows, the Magnet and the Test Tube and place them in Luggage. Now leave and head to the Garden.

15:06 - Walk to the right along the garden, and keep going right to the next screen beyond the hedge maze. Use the Magnet on the imp to pull his Boots off. Leave the garden area and leave the Unseen University.

16:04 - Next, go to the Fools' Guild. Pick up the Hooter that is lying on the ground. Pick up the Brick at the left side of the screen. Talk to the Fool and click on the question icon when you talk to him. Use the Brick on the Fool.

17:57 - Go down the hole at the Fools' Guild. Carry on to the left down this wooden path, and you will get to a screen with a grate. Use the Bellows on the grate, and pick up the Glitter Dust. Head back up the ladders and exit the Fools' Guild.

19:13 - Now go to the Shop. Pick up the Flamingo at the right of the shop. Pick up the Fish at the counter and pick up the Incense. Right click on the Candles that are up on the shelf to look at them. Talk to the Old Woman and ask her about the Candles. Leave the shop.

23:08 - Go to the Docks. Use the Fish that you just picked up at the shop with the water. Now pick up the Stunned Bird. Leave the Docks.

23:54 - Next, go to the Plaza. Talk to Dibbler and talk about the Popcorn to pick it up. Talk to Dibbler again and click on the joker icon to pick up a Clickie Brochure. Leave the Plaza.

26:39 - Walk to the right of the screen and enter Gimlets. Click on the Menu on the table to sit down. From the table, talk to Gimlet. He will rush over and start talking to you. Click the mouth icon then click on the Mouse Burger icon to pick up the Mouse. Pick up the Chilli from the table then leave Gimlets.

29:39 - Pick up the Pot and the Saw that are next to Duckman. Walk to the left to where the Dead Collector is, and go through the door nearest to him. Go downstairs and pick up the Knife. Right-click on the Witch to look at her Now exit this room.

30:53 - Go to the right and enter the Trolls Head bar. Talk to Casanunda and click the question mark icon. Next talk to him about Ladders, then click on the Witch icon to tell him about Granny Weatherwax to pick up the Ladder. Pick up the Matches on the bar and talk to the Troll to pick up the Tankard. Leave the Bar and leave the Shades.

34:39 - Go to the Docks and use the Knife on the net. Pick up the Hammerhead Shark. Leave the docks, and head to the Unseen University and to the Garden.

35:30 - Walk to the right, over to the hedge maze. Open the inventory, and use the Tankard on the
Corn to combine them. Use the Corn on the Rooster to pick it up. Leave the Garden leave the Unseen University.

36:49 - Head back to the Shades. Go to the right where the three men are, and use the Rooster on the Can. Enter the Trolls Head bar. Use the Rooster on the vampire to the left of the bar to get him to leave. Exit the bar.

38:38 - Walk to the left-most part of the Shades, past the Dead Collector and enter the door here. Right click the Genie Bottle. Walk as far left as you can go in this room. Pick up the Scissors and pick up the Petticoat. Use the Saw on the dummy to pick up the Wooden Arm. Open the closet and pick up the Ironing Board. Head to the right and Talk to Mrs. Cake. Talk to her in this order: joker icon, question icon, thought icon, mouth icon to get her to talk to you. Talk to her about the Genie Bottle then click the joker icon. Talk to her about ectoplasm. Leave the room and leave the Shades.

42:31 - Head to the Unseen University and go to the High Energy Facility. Use the Haunted Brick with the accelerator too pick up the Ectoplasm. Leave the High Energy Facility and head to the Garden.

43:30 - Head left to the beekeeper's area. Use the Chilli on the Flowers then talk to the beekeeper. Click on the mouth icon, and then stop talking to him. Give the Clickie Brochure to the beekeeper to get them to leave. Use the petticoat on Rincewind then open the inventory and use the
Matches on the Incense. Use the Incense with the beehives. Click on the Hives to pick up the Dribbly Beewax, then use the Pot on the hives to pick up some Honey. Leave the Garden and leave the
Unseen University.

47:28 - Head to the Shop and give the Dribbly Beewax to the Old Woman, and she will make Rincewind some Dribbly Candles. Leave the shop.
Leave the shop.