Dragon Quest IV -- #44. Rags to Riches

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-oRswxtHCM

Duration: 12:35

Wait, some people had RAGS this whole time?!


Ol' Torneko Taloon's really come a long way now, hasn't he? From a bumbling backwater sales clerk, he's become a... ... ... still bumbling merchant in his own right. Y'know, aiding wars, preventing wars, making peace, forging love... reading other people's letters... stealing valuable objects from their trap-laden underground sanctuaries. Y'know, real shopkeep stuff!

Things are still the same as ever in Lakanaba, though. I mean, except for the escaped convict living there... and the weapon shop owner who seems surprisingly equal parts annoyed that his own employee ever wants to do business directly there, but also understanding that he's been skipping work for days on account of having his own place now.

Well, this stroll down memory lane across the countryside has really eaten up a lot of time, even with the use of magical teleportation talismans made from the wings of formerly living creatures. Guess it couldn't hurt to get a little rest. Laurel and Hardie still have another day of service left in their contracts, and it's not as though we'd be able to get Tessie to sell stuff for us if the lights are all out and she's retired to the upstairs and can only serve to make you do likewise.

Man, owning your own business that you don't even have to oversee the day-to-day operations of sure is complicated!

Much to our surprise, attempting to begin the day's work anew reveals that... she's been busy yesterday! This is nothing like how we got that paltry sum from only a few items sold... ... ...this is an obnoxiously large lump sum of money! Freshly laundered by the missus and ready for the spending!

Frankly, this is enough to settle all our outstanding material needs and then some. Emphasis on the "and then some," of course. Torneko can have a fresh set of gear, top of the line, without even denting the huge stacks of cash weighing him down... naturally this means we can also just buy the remaining suits of armor for King Norman's order without having to bat an eye.

And to think, we could've been doing exactly this several episodes ago.

Wasn't it a fun learning experience, though?!

... ... ...

I apologize for nothing.