Dungeon Magic Arcade! Turbo Boosted MAME 2003 Xtreme! Perfect Performance FTW! Taito F3!

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yVZcINOnDk

Duration: 5:52

I am running this game at default clock speed on the MD Mini, for THIS particular Turbo Boost Test! That is at 1.008 Ghz (the absolute worst possible setup to run the game in THIS video!), in contrast to the normal 1.2 Ghz for default SNES/NES Classics, 1.53 for the PSC Classic. So, basically, it has been literally impossible, up til this point, to run ANY Taito F3 Arcade Game "well" on, especially, the default 1.008 Ghz MD Mini! BUT, that won't be a problem anymore!

Those naysayers who thought it would be fun or funny to insult or downvote, when I showed progress with Killer Instinct Arcade actually being playable...that sort of temperament and attitude is what prevents progress from happening...such as what I showcase in THIS video:) But, luckily, my determination and perseverance makes it past anyone who tries to tell me "why bother"...The impossible may seem impossible. But, so was Saturn and Dreamcast and DS and PSP on the Minis, at one point!

For me, however...emulation started with NES/MAME, decades ago! And, nostalgia wise, it is still going strong! The very first games I ever emulated for MAME were Sly Spy (Data East kick-ass game!) and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (love that game, as well as the MD version!)

In any case, showing positivity towards others, instead of hurtling insults or thinking it is funny being harsh...then calling it constructive criticism...You might wanna look up the definition of constructive criticism...as generally, it is executed in an entirely different fashion, than at the end of a beat stick full of insults and retorts:)

Constructive Criticism or a more appropriate contextual reply would be this:

"Wow, last time I tested Killer Instinct on my SNES Classic, it ran so bad, I had 5 o clock shadow by the time it took me to complete the first battle! Looking forward to seeing what else you can achieve with KI! I, myself, might not wanna play it at the speed you showcase it in the video! But, I know others will enjoy it, whichever way it comes!"


"Ya know, you can use a pair of nail clippers to very quickly open a slim jim:)" (throwing some MacGyver like wisdom on top of the Criticism!)

Hell, one time at work, several of us were doing "piece work", assembling things...the boss came up to me and told me I had to work faster...I said, "I wasn't sure just how fast I should be...So, I looked over at the table you were at, paid close attention to how fast you were putting pieces together, and I tried to make it so I was doing it as fast as you, since I knew the boss would be proficient enough to do it the right way. So, me working faster...would technically be working faster than i've seen you work:)" He laughed about it, and held no ill will or grudge. In fact, we had a sense of humor relating to stuff like that in the future! Me, personally, when others at work or in real life...get agitated..I try to cheer them up with humor...not insults!

Not, a comment like this:)

"Nice clickbait video, the game runs like !@#$", completely missing the point that the game NEVER even ran at all, in contrast to how I showcased it over the last few videos:)

Then, of course, the trolls that pop in occasionally, telling me I have no right to even make videos due to my speech impediment, and so on...like such a comment will even hurt me, after hearing those for a few decades of my life, from childhood to adulthood:) Sorry that you feel the need to try to hurt others online, because you have ZERO control and are not happy or content in your reality! Try actually doing something fun for once, rather than being a prick to others online:)

Thanks for reading, enjoy the video! Turbo Boost Mode Activate, For Realz:)


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