EP37 Clip 玱玹大婚小夭再遇涂山璟,相柳:跟我走?【长相思 第一季 Lost You Forever S1】

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aezzf4ETpdY

Duration: 4:53

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《长相思 第一季》大荒内,人、神、妖混居,西炎、辰荣、皓翎三国鼎立。流落大荒的皓翎国王姬玖瑶(小夭)历经百年颠沛之苦,不但失去了身份,也失去了容貌,在清水镇落脚,成为了“无处可去、无人可依、无力自保”的玟小六。他悬壶为生恣意不羁。曾与小夭青梅竹马的西炎国王孙玱玹去了皓翎国做质子,即使寄人篱下、隐忍蛰伏,为了寻找小夭走遍大荒,来到清水镇。清水镇的日子平淡温馨,玟小六意外救了垂危的青丘公子涂山璟,朝夕相处中二人情愫渐生;玟小六又与九头妖相柳不打不相识,惺惺相惜结为知己。玟小六和玱玹相见不相识,几经波折,才终与玱玹相认,恢复王姬身份。为了一统天下,玱玹舍私情要王座,相柳守义战死、小夭帮助玱玹完成大业后,与涂山璟隐逸江湖。思而不得的玱玹将所有精力都放在了治理国家上,因为他知道,只要天下太平,他的小夭就能够幸福安康。
【Synopsis】In ancient times, humans mixed with deities and demons, the world consisted of Shennong, Xuanyuan and Gaoxin. Wandering in Dahuang, Jiu Yao from Gaoxin lost her identity and appearance. She settled in Qingshui Town and renamed as Wen Xiaoliu. The Prince Qiang Xuan of Xuanyuan was Xiaoliu’s cousin. To find Xiaoliu, he travelled around Dahuang and came to Qingshui Town. In Qingshui Town, Xiaoliu saved Tushan Jing in danger and fell in love with him. Xiang Liu and Xiaoliu appreciated each other and became confidants. After a few twists and turns, Qiang Xuan and Xiaoliu eventually recognized each other. After recovering her identity, Xiaoliu helped Qiang Xuan bring the whole world under his rule and retired from the rivers and lakes. The thoughtless man puts all his energy into governing the country, because he knows that as long as the world is at peace, his little boy will be able to be happy and healthy.
【Starring】Yang Zi, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Dai Luwa, Wang Hongyi, Tan Jianci
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Lost You Forever
Lost You Forever S1
Lost You Forever drama
Lost You Forever eng sub
Lost You Forever S1 eng sub
Lost You Forever ep1
Lost You Forever S1 ep1
Lost You Forever trailer
Lost You Forever teaser
长相思 eng sub
长相思 第一集
長相思 第一集
长相思 预告
長相思 預告
Yang Zi
Zhang Wanyi
Deng Wei
Dai Luwa
Wang Hongyi
Tan Jianci
长相思 第一季
長相思 第一季