[FLASHBOMBS USED] Evanescent Existence (v1.10a) - Absurdly Extra - NMNBFS - Yabusame

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIi8eGwWE2o

Duration: 11:51


alternative title: another "why did he do this" moment brought to you by your local frigid canine


Back in 2021, I learnt from a Chinese player that in EE v1.10 (but not v1.20+, I was too lazy to test v1.11), the walls on Pitch-Black Eye's last phase were grazeable (see: https://www. bilibili.com/video/BV1kq4y1E7m3 - you will need to manually remove the space from the URL). That meant that it was theoretically humanly possible to NMNB EE AbEx.

Here is the problem - no shot particularly excels at this task. Yabusame has terrible dps, which gives you way more chances to get memed by everything in general (especially Lost Fame). Tsubakura has insane dps, but Last Jupiter is ridiculous and the high movespeed is a detriment on micro-heavy patterns like the first survival. Suzumi is an all-around OP shot with a comfy movespeed... but the flashbomb doesn't clear bullets, so this shot isn't even worth considering.

I spent a couple of days mucking around in the v1.20 practice patch (since almost nothing else was changed gameplay-wise between v1.10 and v1.20) idly toying with the idea, but eventually I wrote it off as just a pipe dream. What's the point if you can't even get a run past the midboss?

A few days ago, after years of lamenting that Ince wouldn't do it for me, I came back from retirement to try my own hand at it (jk I was bored and procrastinating writing my thesis). Initially I was very bad at Last Jupiter, Lost Fame and Blood, and I'd get an average of one run past the midboss every few hours, but I still somehow fluked all the way to spell 9 on pace. In hindsight, I'm glad I threw that run - the frustration of getting stonewalled by Clause meant that I spent some time improving my flashbomb sense for Last Jupiter, then developing the consistent Blood speedkill you see in this run, and then finally coming up with a semi-working general idea for dealing with Lost Fame.

All things considered, this would have been way less taxing if the pre-midboss section flat out didn't exist, since it's literally 90 seconds of nothing happening every time Clause inevitably does something dumb. The Tsurubami fight itself is actually quite enjoyable, and it's pretty fun to execute all of the funny strats in one sitting.

Definitely easier than SoHW LExNN.

Run notes in comments because this description contained too much backstory to fit it. Thanks youtube for making me wait 2 months to be able to pin it.