Servants of Harvest Wish (v1.00b) - Lunatic Extra - NMNBFS (alternate title:🦊🔪🐺)

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Duration: 16:06

I complain about this game a lot, but after sitting down and actually learning LEx, routecrafting and execution are actually fairly enjoyable.

Unfortunately, this stage has a boatload of dicerolls, including a bunch of patterns where you just die if the RNG looks at you weird. And there are so many clippy bullet types it's not even funny.


- Yes, I do a funny opener graze. You can get up to 32k PIV from the opening wave. The flower-petal fairies have random spawn locations and movement. You can randomly get rammed or spawnkilled, which makes spawngrazing risky. Amount of graze is random too.
- The wheel fairies after the opener are static + aimed.
- I was screwing around with a new border route, so anything from 00:50 to the midboss is me improvising. Ordinarily, you'd kill the yinyangs then stream left to right. You wouldn't go for the weird big fairy speedkill (you wouldn't have iframes then), and you wouldn't try to graze the flower-petal fairies because you can randomly get rammed.
- The yinyangs right before the midboss have random spawn locations and fire random patterns. Great (TM) for scoring.

- Nonspell is a route.
- Midspell 1 is static.
- Midspell 2 is a route. Basically static. Don't get rammed by Meimei.
- Midspell 3 is a route, but fireballs are kinda clippy. You do not want to kill this too early, or you'll get a bonus yinyang spamming extra bullets in the post-midboss section. I think this pattern is static, but the visibility is so terrible that I genuinely cannot see the bullets here. Best to just avoid.

- Nothing particularly worth mentioning.

- I have a border route for spell 4. To set this up, you'll want to get a border around the spell 3 transition. Depending on your gauge at the end of spell 2, you might want to let the items from the spell capture drop, or time down non 3 a bit.
- Spell 2 is weird. The balls are mostly aimed at you, but some of them have a tendency to wander off somewhat, even if you stay completely still. These have a small chance to meme you.
- Spell 3 is a route. Those anti-mentos (thanks InceRabbit for the name) have absolutely gigantic hitboxes, and you want to avoid going through them while dodging the other bullets at the same time. This route is the most consistent.
- Non 4 is left up to the RNG gods. You want to get a border about midway through this non, but not too late.
- Spell 4 is free with the border cheese. Otherwise, it's kinda uncomfortable. As a general rule, you should be safe after making 1.5 full spins around Mamo, so stick as close to the wall as possible and hope the wave cancels in time. Mamo has no hitbox on this spell.
- Spell 5 final phase is kinda awful, so I route border iframes to get a bit of breathing room. To set this up, enter the second Simon Says segment with about 50% border gauge and let things play out. If you're slightly short on the last phase, stall on the last input and graze the amulets.
- On non 6, following the curve of the pattern helps a lot with consistency.
- Spell 6 is free (thanks InceRabbit for the strat)
- Spell 7 is a route, but the balls have random angular velocity. I got pretty bad RNG here.
- Non 8 is terrible and RNG (yes the crystal spawns are also random). If you get a border at the start of this non, you get a free restream when it ends. Otherwise, pray that it dies before you die. Alternatively, listen for the green crystals (the highest pitched noise); if they haven't spawned in a while, try to restream.
- Spell 8 is easy but the opening wave is clippy.
- Spell 9 phase 1 is easy, just do what I do (fireballs are aimed). Phase 2 is the hardest; the fireballs are random and they're the main threat. On phase 3 you want to misdirect the fireballs into one cell and dodge everything else in another. Ideally you'd want to misdirect two cells away so the fireballs are more spread out when they reach you, but this isn't always possible as the delay between waves gets shorter and the amulets might get in the way. Pretty spooky on pace.
- Spell 10 is extremely clippy. Bottomdragging is your only hope. The anti-mentos may or may not block off certain gaps, so you'll have to make a judgement call on whether or not to cut right or keep following the pattern left for an extra cycle.
- Spell 11 is a war crime. My strat on phase 5 seems quite consistent. I got free RNG on the last phase. The fireball hitboxes are clippy (I know I've said this many times but they really are unnecessarily large) and they decided to put a random dense spam section 15 minutes into the run. Wow. (Fun fact: if you kill Kagemo first, Meimei stops firing forever.)
- Last spell is a nerves check. Bottomdragging and holding one direction allows you to follow the mentos lane almost perfectly (you'll need to release it once or twice to slow yourself down)so you can focus on memorising the gaps in the upcoming waves. Other than that, it's just a matter of getting used to.