Groove Fit Kingdom  - Oculus Quest

Groove Fit Kingdom - Oculus Quest

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Duration: 33:57

Groove Fit Kingdom
IMA Create
Oculus Quest
(Through Side Quest)

MY love of Rhythm games started back on the early Nintendo handhelds with games such as the Rhythm Heaven series or Elite Beat Agents and Groove Fit Kingdom feels like it is going for combining the best of this genre with exercising.

Visually the game feels polished already, and seems as if it is aimed at a much younger audience, adults have the their Box VR, this is very Nintendo-esque in its approach. You are presented with a nicely detailed menu system, that simply allows you to choose and combine the mini game with the difficulty level. Presently there are the 3 normal difficulty levels and 3 mini games, Tennis, boxing and stretching.

Each of these mini games are accompanied by a musical number and you must either time your swing and contact with the tennis ball, punch, using frog glove puppets or lean over holding a pizza above your head avoiding gun and machine shots. Mini games all have a short tutorial to help explain and demonstrate timing before they commence, games lasting no more than 1 - 2 minutes. Having played on the Normal and Hard difficulties the only difference I can really notice is the slight increase in speed at which you are required to react.

I would be very interested to see which other mini games will be included in the final version, you can see a number of other globes with questions marks that will be exercises in the future. There is already a calorie counter for each game and then overall on the main menu, as well as a local and world leaderboard, great to keep people returning to beat their friends scores.

This game has the potential to be a very cute Rhythm game that should appeal to the younger audience, and myself, anything that gets people and children moving and burning calories gets a huge high five from me.

one to keep an eye on.