HAND AND FOOT RULES: Are Cleansing and Purity Proof of Holiness? Rambam, Beit HaBechira. Chap. 7; 21

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zpbL5Y65Ic

Duration: 14:29

EXTREME MAKEOVER: Temple Edition ~ The Laws on G-d’s Residence of Choice Rambam: Hilchot Beit HaBechira. Chapter 7; 21

Episode #68 – “HAND AND FOOT RULES” Moving inwards from the outdoor space known as the “Arena of the Alter” where biblical grade restrictions (at least in the opinion of the Rambam) may already have applied, although by scriptural ordination there was never any formal line of sacred scrimmage drawn.

We now move indoors into the Temple Building itself. Additional restrictions linked to purification procedures become indicative of Higher Holiness. Whether this added layer of sanctity is of biblical origin is a part of the lesson itself.

#Temple #Templemount #threeweeks #beithamikdash #Heichal #Templebuilding #indoors #clean #handandfoot #purity #longhair #moshiach #mashiach #HolyTemple #holyland #washing #templerepairs #notallowedin #trespassing #disrespect #templereverence

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