How long before my lava lamp becomes unpettable?

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Duration: 4:01

My affection for my lava lamp is played up for entertainment. I do not consider it a living being.
Following the video, half an hour or so later, the three fingers on my left hand I had used to pet the lava lamp were somewhat bad at sensing the texture of surfaces and more sensitive to pressure, in general producing that uncomfortable warm feeling that ever-so-slightly-burned skin has.
Around 1:20 or so I attempted to "scratch" my lava lamp.("give it scritches" for you zoomers). I would have used this petting technique more if it wasn't slightly noisy and just generally ill-fitting for the shape of the lava lamp. It's not got the same head as a dog, nor the same skin or fur. Even my attempts at petting(though I concede I have little practice with normal animals) were inconvenient due to the difference between smooth fur and metal. If I do this a next time, I might try to use the back of my nails to