Is There A Female Godzilla? All the Different Godzilla Genders Explained

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Duration: 8:32

The Showa Era Godzilla was asexual or quite possibly hermaphroditic, The Heisei Godzilla was no doubt a male. Zilla from the tristar movie was hermaphroditic and would have originally been a female since it got pregnant and has the organs for egg-laying. The fact it was hermaphroditic was due to the ability to fertilize its own eggs. Zilla from the animated series was male although there could have been a female Zilla the idea was scrapped. Millenium, Shin, and Anime versions were asexual with the ability to produce young via cell division. The singular point was just weird and transdimensional. And lastly, the Monsterverse Godzilla was Male and rightly so, the King of the Monsters.

Is there a Female Godzilla? All the Different Godzilla Genders Explained
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all godzilla genders
is godzilla a male
is godzilla a boy or girl
different types of godzilla
showa godzilla
heisei godzilla
millenium godzilla
anime godzilla
shin godzilla