Julehygge og nytårshilsner :) - 27-12-2023

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83BboCpmJOE

Duration: 33:55

-Min kanal er lidt international hvilket betyder der bliver snakket Dansk, Tysk og Engelsk.. Hvis du vil donere til mig kan dette gøres på linket nederst ;)

§1 stk. 1 Ingen reklamation af egen kanal.
§1 stk. 2 Ingen reklamation af andres kanaler.

§2 stk. 1 Ingen smileyspam. Max 5 smileys ad gangen.
§2 stk. 2 Ingen skriftlige spam.

§3 Behandel hinanden pænt.

§4 Ingen racisme.

§5 Ingen private oplysninger i chatten såsom telefonnumre, e-mail, adresse etc.

§6 Ingen links i chatten.

§7 Ingen snak om økonomi.

§8 Respekter et nej/stop.

Overtrædelser af §1 til 8 uden tilladelse fra streamer medfører varetægtsfængsling (timeout) i 5 minutter.
Efter 2 varetægtsfængslinger hedder det fængsling på livstid.

-My channel is a little international which means there is spoken Danish, German and English .. If you want to donate to me this can be done at the link at the bottom;)

§1 piece. 1 No advertisment of own channel.
§1 piece. 2 No advertisment from other people's channels.

§2 pcs. 1 No smiley-spam. Max 5 smileys at a time.
§2 pcs. 2 No written spam.

§3 Treat each other nicely.

§4 No racism.

§5 No private information in the chat such as telephone numbers, e-mail, address etc.

§6 No links in the chat.

§7 No talk about finances.

§8 Respect a no / stop.

Violations of §1 to 8 without permission from the streamer result in custody (timeout) for 5 minutes.
After 2 custody, it is called life imprisonment. (Ban)

Donate link : https://streamlabs.com/thedjwolf

Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/thedjwolf