Kung Fu Adventures #7: Aragon

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rISnxNPg58U

Duration: 3:17

This match was requested by Speedy9199.

Yet another character made by that EVIL EVIL PERSON, Zero_Col, Aragon.

Seriously, THIS GUY is harder than Zero_Col himself! Why? because not only is it hard and FAR more risky to exploit his AI, but he just comes back and forth utterly DESTROYING you with his supers and all sorts of crap!

This is MY HARDEST Kung Fu Man match TO DATE!

It doesn't rank up there with Mai_K, but it was STILL FREAKING HARD AS HELL!

Now, let me just explain what exactly makes this guy so hard to beat.

Firstly, just like Zero_Col, this guy will override your hits with his own attacks or parry. JUST LIKE Chibi Lei-Lei for crying out loud!

Aragon shoots beams at you like crazy from a distance. He can make this an infinite, but his AI doesn't let him for some reason. His beams are FAR too overpowered and take huge chunks of your life off.

Just like Zero_Col, jumping is a death wish. This guy has what may be the most INSANELY CHEAP anti-air attack I have ever seen. This move involves him doing a flip, which shoots THREEE HUGE, GIGANTIC beams in three different directions. Unless you ave a teleport move or something that makes you able to bypass these, there's no freaking way you're gonna be able to dodge them. Not only that, but they come out WAY too fast, to the point where you shouldn't even bother doing ANYTHING in the air, because he'll use this move the second he thinks you're about to screw up!

Aragon combo whores you like MAD. Once you get knocked too far for him to ground combo, he'll simply teleport behind you and CONTINUE comboing, leading to a guard infinite JUST LIKE ELQUE. WHAT THE FREAKING HELL!?

Also, if THAT wasn't bad enough, he has a super where he grabs you and beats the crap out of you. He uses this when he KNOWS you can't escape. It's unguardable, has bloated range, and he'll do it RIGHT after shoto warping, making it impossible to grab him without getting seriously OWNed from attempting. Even if you don't try to grab him, and attempt to escape, you still have to deal with the fact that you probably won't be able to even TOUCH this guy unless you grab him, so you're actually FORCED to get hit by his super because of his stupid overrides. DAMNIT! This guy makes me CRAZY!!

He also has other supers, but nowhere NEARS as bad, and he rarely ever uses them. This battle was basically a trading of blows, as I can hardly dodge his moves, and he runs into my grabs all the time.

This guy's a nightmare, and I NEVER want to take him on again with Kung Fu Man.
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