(Language Warning) Free Summon Gone Wrong

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8L0F_QyVu4

Duration: 1:55

So this video does a good job of having me stress how much I absolutely hate, hate, FUCKING HATE AZAMA THE ASSHOLE. Apologies to everyone whose headphones I might have blown out by my screaming at the very start.

So, a bit of backstory: I was a bit hesitant to even use the free summon so early around the start of Medeus’ banner, but I wasn’t gonna go waste a free unit to try and get. Hopeful as I was, I got in there, thinking about what kind of unit to get, and the thing was, since the other two colorless units were ones I didn’t have, I figured if I’d somehow got lucky and pulled one of them, I would be okay with it since it’d be a new unit regardless. I see the one colorless orb, I hoped for the best… 12 seconds later, I was kicking out the unit I got because not only was it a worthless 3 star (which new units coming in like that automatically get excused for because at least they save me the time of waiting for them to be a 4 star and I needed new people to work on anyway), and not only was it a pointless healer, IT WAS MY LEAST FAVORITE FIRE EMBLEM CHARACTER IN THE ENTIRE SERIES, FUCKING AZAMA FROM FIRE EMBLEM FATES! 🤦‍♀️

Moral of this story: wait until it’s at least 7 days left to do a free summon if you don’t want early disappointment and if you become a dolphin player like I have (yes, dolphin is an actual term used for some gacha players), wait until at least halfway through the month because usually, that’s when orb packs with Forma Souls come out. Now I gotta go figure out how to get more orbs before the Tellius kids go until next year ;w;

Fire Emblem Heroes
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Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn