Lety Does Playing Wyrmspan (2024), Part 2

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW_XyI_P5-Q

Duration: 56:24

My let's play continues, and things just go absolutely fucking wrong during round 3, which somehow takes me 2x as long as any of the other rounds. Turns out eggs! Eggs are important! Also, time is important! Especially if you're reserving a library study room and gotta check out by 3 PM! Despite all that, I kiiinda think I pulled off a victory against the level 1 Automa??? Maybe. Let me know in the comments below if you think it counts~

**Featured in This Video**

- [Wyrmspan from Stonemaier Games](https://stonemaiergames.com/games/wyrmspan/)
- [As available for purchase on Stonemaier Games](https://store.stonemaiergames.com/products/wyrmspan)
- [Community on BoardGameGeek](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/410201/wyrmspan)
- [Rules on Stonemaier Games' Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/gltx3ldsskfmfiflmcsbw/h/Wyrmspan?rlkey=ha4lz6kvkwmjaglah0lwtzjto&subfolder_nav_tracking=1&dl=0)
- [Interactive tutorial on Dized](https://app.dized.com/play/718022a1-366a-4568-be8c-509948998077/f6425cb3-8342-4d84-892b-211d22ad6a4c/en-US)
- The Wyrmspan Upgrade Pack from Stonemaier Games
- [As available for purchase on Stonemaier Games](https://store.stonemaiergames.com/products/wyrmspan-upgrade-pack)
- The Natural Rubber Playmat for Wyrmspan from Stonemaier Games
- [As available for purchase on Stonemaier Games](https://store.stonemaiergames.com/products/natural-rubber-playmat-for-wyrmspan)
- The Wyrmspan Organizer from Mightiest Meeple
- [As available for purchase on Mightiest Meeple](https://mightiestmeeple.com/Wyrmspan-Organizer_p_87.html)
- Anxiety
- Panic
- Severe lack of ovums

**Alternate Titles**

- Lety Does Panic for About 30 Minutes
- Lety Does Not Have Enough Huevos
- Lety Does Buckle Under Pressure
- Lety Does One Video Per Day, Day 55

*Supporting Lety Does Stuff*

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If you just wanna help with my PeerTube/YouTube costs and don't mind an IOU on the smut, maybe check that out?

And if you're a current or former Doer of Stuff or just someone interested in my lewd content, I'm not on hiatus-- I'm just a dumpster fire with tits. I still plan to deliver 100% of the rewards supporters helped inspire and create-- I just need a bit more time to catch up and am keeping people up-to-date on over my Discord ( https://letydoesstuff.com/joindiscord ).

Thanks everyone for all your love, support, and patience, continued or otherwise.