Live stream: Another Metroid 2 Remake [ 4:10:17 ] [ 76% ]

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AM2R (2016)
Duration: 5:43:49

Live streamed on 3rd of January, 2017.

Titled: " Another Metroid 2 Remake " [ Blind ]

Total Amount of Deaths: Several.
Total Time: 4 hours 10 minutes.
Item Collection Rate: 76%

Following my extreme joy of completing Metroid II Return of Samus so quickly, and getting the best ending, I decided to immediately follow it up with AM2R while it was still fresh in my memory. Well to start off, I had to twiddle a lot with the controls before I got it right, and even then I still got one thing wrong. I should had set 'Weapon Cancel' to S instead of A as that'd made more sense in my head, and I should not had attempted to play the game like Super Metroid as I initially did but instead played it as Fusion/Zero Mission.

However, that wouldn't had saved the game still in my mind because the maker of this remake simply took too many liberties with the game, and that's why I didn't enjoy it very much. There were certain times when I felt like, I could almost lose myself in it, but I always felt that, this isn't the Metroid II that I wanted. You'll see me many-a times in the chat complaining about various additions that the maker added such as the Power Bombs and the Spineshank - Two things that HAD NO REASON TO BE IN METROID II.

Aside from that, the self-destructive facility was just fucking pointless. Zero reason to be added other than " We needs the Countdowns because all Metroid games has one! ". Didn't need to be there. Zero reason why it'd be there. I think the main thing the maker missed is that Metroid II is a game about ruin. Ancient Chozo civilization that were ruined in one way or another because prior to the retcons about the Chozo creating the Metroids and all that, we were left to assume that the culture of SR388 was wrecked by the Metroids thus the ruins felt like a natural thing - A lived in world, so to say. The maker looked at this and said " This isn't game'y enough. " and that's where this remake missteps.

Tl;dr - The remake makes a Game out of something that was a story, and makes it for the worse.

One thing I did like after I gave it some consideration were the Federation Soldiers battling an Omega Metroid. A plausible explanation can be said about how this one strike team managed to survive for so long, but it leaves many plot holes and therefore should had been left out. Still, that's one part I liked.

I really did not care for the final boss fight. After a while, all I really kept thinking was " DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE! " because it dragged on, for too long.

So in conclusion, I did not enjoy it very much.
This is why you don't let fans remake classics.
Actually this is why you preferably don't let anyone remake classics preferably.

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metroid 2 remake
another metroid 2 remake
metroid ii return of samus
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