"love in the time of global warming" demo #2 (huge communication error included)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuWHDsxbdhs

Duration: 6:52

this is large prime numbers performing "love in the time of global warming"; i took the previous demo video down because a lot of what was going on in there was totally against what i envisioned for the song.

anyway, this one is much better. i'd say it's about 50% done at this point. needs maybe about three more hours of hammering various things into place before we can play it live. the giant math-rock bridge around 5:45, for example. and the break right before the solo -- i totally mess that one up, i'll admit. and the tone of the solo itself -- it's too pipe-organy as-is. i needs a compressor, or something. i don't know much about compressors. advice is appreciated.

also, i have officially ditched the double muff. it's just too damn noisy to be useful, anymore. i had this really grand setup, where the dry out of the whammy went into the double muff and then into the twin reverb, and i would leave the muff off so that i had this stereo sound with one distorted amp and one clean amp, and then i could turn the muff off the digustify the solo. well, tweak as i might, i just couldn't get the muff functional. which was a real shame.

i will look into something else. it might just be that my double muff is broken somehow. i mean, anything in working order sure as hell wouldn't sound like that. it sounded like the wicked witch of the west in a blender.

re: the "huge communication error" mentioned in the video title:

the drummer was supposed to take a break at 4:44, and i failed to remind him :-(

this is why we call this "practice"!

i like the vocals a LOT more than i did before. getting the vocals exactly as they are in my head takes a hell of a lot of practice. like, so much practice that it's like, when i start trying to sing the song for the first time, i am immediately thinking "whoa, this sounds like shit", and the impact of that feeling is so hard that i almost want to give up on the song forever. i'm kind of glad that i/we stuck with this one! the vocals should be in place after maybe uhh ten more plays in-studio (lol).

all problems aside, i like this song, and i like the moment in the video at the beginning of the solo, where, like, suddenly there's two of me. you'll see what i mean, maybe.

as i type this, we just had a pretty big earthquake in tokyo. wow. i had to jump out of bed and grab my TV so it didn't wobble its way onto the floor. CDs fell off my shelf. i'll pick them up later.

anyway, uhh, where was i?

yeah! i like this song! and eventually, you will, too! (maybe!)

also, i know my hair looks awful, okay? it was hot in there, and this was around hour five of our session :-(

the shirt is an H&M, btw. i am sorry for the sudden plummet in shirt quality (i was wearing dolce and gabbana in the previous videos! only two people noticed :-/)

i took a bunch more videos tonight, though they are all too work-in-progress-y even for this youtube channel. expect a ton of stuff in the next couple of weeks! believe!


the shotgun holed up in the apartment next door
begins reading the phone book
in the softest voice he can manage
"ah . . . . . . ah . . . . . ."

love in the time of global warming
love the temperature of a head of lettuce
give me the kind of love where nobody has to run
where no one has to sweat


i continue to wait
for that eventual day
when we meet again
and we don't have to say
"it's been a while"

(last verse)

the shotgun holed up in the apartment next door
begins reading the phone book
in the softest voice he can manage
"ah . . . . . . ah . . . . . .
". . . bang"
