Make It Stop!!! 🤬😡😤

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Duration: 0:05

What can I say except you're welcome!

YouTube has got to stop disabling the comments on my videos! This is so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey there, fellow creators and viewers! In today's video, we're delving into a topic that hits close to home for many of us - the frustration of pouring your heart and creativity into a video, only to discover that YouTube has decided to disable comments. 😤

It's like crafting a masterpiece, meticulously selecting each element, and then realizing a crucial piece is missing. Comments are the lifeblood of interaction and connection with our incredible audience, and when they're suddenly taken away, it feels like a puzzle missing its final piece.

Imagine this: you've spent hours scripting, filming, editing, and perfecting every detail. You're excited to share your thoughts, experiences, and humor with your community. And then, the disappointing discovery: comments are disabled. The connection you strive for, the engagement that makes it all worth it, suddenly snatched away.

Not only does this impact the way your video performs, but it also leaves you with a sense of disconnection. Engaging with your audience is what drives us as creators. Sharing stories, insights, and laughter is why we do what we do. And when YouTube's algorithm decides that our video isn't shorts material, it can feel like our message is confined and restricted.

We're all here to build a community, to learn from each other, and to uplift one another. Comments enable us to celebrate the highs, provide feedback, and engage in meaningful conversations. So, when we're left without that avenue, it's more than just a minor setback.

If you've experienced this frustration, know that you're not alone. As a community, let's stand strong and continue to support one another, even when algorithms throw us curveballs. Share your stories in the comments that are open and thriving on this video, and let's create a space where we can voice our thoughts, share our experiences, and navigate the ever-changing landscape of content creation.

#YouTubecomments #disablecomments #youtubers #youtuber #youtuberproblems #youtubeissues #youtubeproblems

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