Nash plays DEADCORE | Part 5

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Let's Play
Duration: 29:40

Hey everybody! How are all you lovelies doing today?
So, I figured out that dang puzzle. It's crazy how much of it relies on just being very precise with your movements and aiming, which is honestly the hardest part for me because I tend to wobble quite a bit. Ah well, I always end up making it through the puzzle. See, I'm always a little worried that I'll find a puzzle that is just beyond my ability to get through, and that would suck. Some of these have been incredibly hard and have taken me a whole ton of tries to the point where I almost think I can't do it but I do always end up making it at least.
Now, should I use the morning to write or record?
So I've decided I'm going to record. But not yet, let's talk about dreams first! Yay! So I always- well, not always, but very often again- have some pretty crazy and interesting dreams. Last night, I was a princess or royalty or something of a city that was torn apart by civil war. So I was trying to do negotiations, and my advisors were trying to advise me to stay somewhere safe but I knew I was the only one that could probably negotiate a peace again. And it was one of those dreams that like everyone I've ever known was in, even people I haven't seen in like a decade playing a role in the dream. Very interesting, and although my mind is a little foggy on the details I ended up being able to negotiate something. At the end of the dream everyone was being re-registered to the city or something, maybe we were redoing our citizenship? And anyways, once registered there was a massive pool party going on. Yeah. Oh, there was some fighting beforehand too. But As far as I can remember, I won.
I do remember being pretty sad at the end of the dream. Here I was, helping these people, but I was still quite separate from them all, not able to really talk to any of them or open up. I could freely wander unrestricted where they could not, but the freedom didn't make me feel any better. Also, I realized I didn't have a bathing suit on me so I had to go back to my house again to go and find something to wear to the pool party. This party was important, yo. Then I remember getting to the place and finding a bikini and being all like shy and "mer I don't know if I can go out in public like this, I'm uncomfortable with showing this much of my body and maybe I shouldn't bother trying to be a part of everyone else, trying to be the same, I should just stay alone over here and let them have fun without me. They would have more fun without me."

Please watch: "WATERFALL- A /R/RedditGetsDrawn Speed Drawing" and tell me what you think!

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sci fi
Nashtya Newb
Video Game Culture
Let's Play (album)