Operation GHOST - Mission 1 [60 FPS]

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4Amu46tH5U

Duration: 5:09

Operation GHOST Mission 1 playthrough using a lightgun. OG is the sequel to Ghost Squad. Fullscreen alternative without loader shown.

I used an old pack of the game containing just the game files (No Jconfig, Teknoparrot, Game Loader All RH, etc). I had to edit the GS2.ini in notepad with the following settings:


The controls are:


I set a custom resolution in NVIDIA Control Panel of 1366x800 and then, after starting the game (GS2.EXE), I actually used the "Zoom2" function of my monitor to zoom in on the 1024x600 game window. This will also work for any loader that runs the game in a 1024x600 window.

For the action button, I used DemulShooter v8.2 to emulate a virtual mouse middle button and assign it to a key on the keyboard. Then, I mapped a lightgun button to the key using the TopGun Control Panel.

I would have used Jconfig (inc. new pack), but I had some issue with it using my lightgun even after setting mouse sensitivity to 4 (Same deal with a different game too). I sort of have to turn the lightgun sideways to aim and shoot (Lightgun is aligned with hidden windows mouse pointer instead of the game's crosshair?). Jconfig does work in fullscreen though if you have custom resolutions 1024x600 and 1024x576 set, and other controllers work well. With Jconfig, I noticed the crosshair does want to extend all the way to the bottom of the screen with Jconfig (I think there is another 1024x576 resolution being used for that instead of the original 1024x600 resolution?). I assume Jconfig lightgun support will improve in later versions. Windows 10 also told me Jconfig contained a virus as with Game Loader All RH. MohkerzLoaderz 0.4 can also run this game in a 1024x600 window with Xinput devices or anything that could be considered a virtual Xinput device.

I had to go through so much trouble to record this. In short, I had to use OBS in a cropped mode, rerecord with NVIDIA Share at 1080p, and then take out some video I didn't want in the final recording using Avidemux.

I cranked up all the filtering and anti-aliasing settings to max level for "GS2.exe" in NVIDIA Control Panel for improved visual.

Since I only did a mission 1 playthrough of Ghost Squad initially, I figured that I could maybe do the same thing here with the sequel.

9/11/2018: I decided do a full non-recorded playthrough of the game, and I found out that the screen glitches at the final mission. I could not see the final boss toward the end, thus making it difficult to shoot, but I managed to get past it. I used old pack. File sizes between old pack and new pack are different. I suspect something may be missing from old pack, either that or some other problem. I'll take another look. I haven't tried a full run with the other loaders (Jconfig, Game Loader All RH, etc) yet. I know Game Loader All RH has a mission select in it, but it has a graphical problem with it too at the beginning where things are missing. It is going to be a while before I can get a full playthrough video of this game.

9/12/2018: There wasn't much difference between the old and new archives of the game which I picked up except for Jconfig and the way they were compressed.

I came up with some 1024x600 window configuration for Game Loader All RH 296 that I could use with the custom 1366x800 resolution and the Zoom2 function on my 1080P monitor (For different size monitor with Zoom, maybe try different custom resolution?):


Warning, shooting stance, sound check screens are missing in Game Loader 296, and there is also something wrong with the RTO, but the RTO won't stop me from being able to play on. There was no missing graphics problem at the final mission. I used the same game files from the old pack. Despite some problems, this is enough for me to put together a video playthrough that looks right.

I haven't done a full lightgun run of the game with TeknoParrot, both 1.33 and the latest one, so I don't know if it has the same problem at the final mission.

And, perhaps, maybe something random occurred at the final mission when I played the game without any loader. I do know that there is no problem with RTO when you play the game without any loader.

Operation G.H.O.S.T. Mission 1
Operation G.H.O.S.T.