Persona 5 | Shadow Challenge - Andrew Boa (TheMajinV) [Read Description]

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Duration: 1:56

Wasn't tagged by anyone specific, but here goes!

The challenge is as such!

Do a short monologue as your "Shadow" Self, include description of what your Palace would be like, and tag 5 friends!
The general idea is to record yourself or an interaction with yourself with the Phantom Thieves speaking as the shadow version of you in the Persona 5 universe. A version of yourself that, of course, by some alternate reality or set of particular circumstances, has a twisted heart and even a palace of your own.
This mini-monologue or interaction with other characters can be funny, sad, dramatic, emotional, or whatever direction you think would suit your personality best.
In addition to the audio or video, also include a brief or detailed description of what YOUR Palace would be like if you had one (wherever possible).
You can post this on any social media you want to, be it facebook, twitter, youtube, tumblr, soundcould, or other social media outlets as long as its posted with the #P5ShadowChallenge.
Tag at least 5 friends you'd also like to see do the challenge! ;D

PEOPLE I'M TAGGING: Come one, come all! I want to see as many as possible try this out!


Destruction - it seems to be the only thing humans want to improve upon. We fight, we kill, we endure the pain...every loss becomes a drop in the bottle, and as it fills we grow content with the constant chaos. There comes a point where you just stop caring about all the bad in the world.

However, there are some things that we can't bare to watch suffer the same fate. Hidden in the rubble is a small home untouched by all the fires and bombings. It's an oasis in an otherwise hellish world, and once threatened everything changes. That bottle inside of us? It begins to build up pressure.

Remember how easy it was to be content? No more. That bottle inside has now burst, and with it comes the culmination of all that pain from the past. You can try to reach the treasure hidden inside that house, but you can sure as hell expect a last stand.

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Andrew Boa
Persona 5
Shadow Challenge
Voice Acting