Phil Spenser Damage Control Part 1#shorts

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Duration: 0:57

Phil Spenser Damage Control Part 1

Phil Spencer Interview: Redfall Reviews, Activision Deal - Kinda Funny Xcast Ep. 137

I must commend Phil for being open and honest during the interview. Unlike other CEOs who often give rehearsed PR answers, Phil's responses were genuine and sincere. This was by far one of the best interviews I've seen. The interviewers asked relevant questions, and Phil's answers were clear and concise. My respect for him increased after watching this. I was hoping Redfall would do well as healthy competition is always beneficial. It was impressive to see the team address the game's issues head-on and not shy away from tough questions. Although Redfall has its faults, it's still an enjoyable game, and it's important to recognize that different people have different preferences when it comes to games. For example, the game's visual style is appealing, and the gunplay is decent. As a gaming community, we should concentrate on the positive aspects of games and respect each other's opinions. Phil's honesty throughout the interview was refreshing, and the interviewers did an excellent job of being polite yet firm when asking the tough questions. Overall, great job
