Problems with Snow Juggling

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Duration: 1:47

(QUICK REMINDER: Tiny Box Tim Day is JUNE 28th! Please consider doing something this month to help out with whichever charity best touches your heart.)

Back in, what, early February, I filmed some contact juggling because hey! we had snow! I was figuring on putting together a couple full routines to upload. Unfortunately, a couple things got in the way.

First, I haven't yet worked out tripods to any reasonable degree, let alone for outside, so I had to work with a cameraman (my nephew, other nephew, and mom, depending on which video). Between their tolerance for being out in the cold and wet and mine for having snow on my hands (I drop my juggling balls a fair amount, and gloves don't give me enough tactile sense to juggle effectively), well, we had to have short sessions -- maybe three goes through a song, if I was lucky that day. And we didn't end up getting outside many days during the snow.

Secondly... YouTube Music Policies. See, I really should've checked the songs before recording them, because the songs I was interested in also turned out to be songs that I couldn't upload. Like this one. For this clip, I hope that the sound quality is poor enough (algorithmically) that it won't be a problem, and it's just a clip anyway, but I was figuring on a full video with full song, and that won't be possible for this song.

Basically, several things I've recorded this year have been dead in the water due to music policies that aren't fan-friendly. I am not sure why the music companies think that getting ad revenue from not-for-profit videos that use their songs is a bad thing, but apparently a number of such companies do think that. I hope more negotiation happens in future to clear the way for small-time creators to do projects like these, but I'm not holding my breath.

At any rate, yeah, so, I've been filming, off and on... just haven't been able to post most of the stuff I've been working on.

On the up side, my friend's now set up for green screen, so we're making progress as far as ability to film things. Waiting to see what all I decide to do with the capabilities; right now, it's mostly VR, which is mostly Beat Saber. Where, again, the music policies suck. It's like, you can have a song you like, or a song with a good chart, or a song I can post on YouTube, pick any two of the three (sigh).

contact juggling
music policies