Report this dude named Nolanzeck plz IN ROBLOX!!! (Reason: Discrimination and Harassment)

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Duration: 0:37

Username: Nolanzeck Display name:GdogxFavFabis REPORT HIM IN ROBLOX FOR DISCRIMINATING ME AND HARRASING ME I WOULD REALLY APPERICATE IT!!! Here is the reason because this is from the comment in the bottom, but some people can't comment because they probably or their parents are strict and turned it off so here is the reason. Username: PLEASE report him for discriminating me and also harassing me. I prefer or recommend you to do his username cause probably random people have the same display name, or it probably doesn't work. My username is Jahsoul05 and also you can involve my username in it for example by "saying he was discriminating and harassing Jahsoul05" I would really appreciate it. And he was also discriminating and harassing my friend and his username is epicleo7565 and also harassing him he was Vietnamese which was his home country, and I was Filipino and visited the Philippines before but now I'm in USA and also, he had 3 people reporting us and we only had 2 people reporting him and it was me my friend bester, which his display was "Besterhailsthesmile" and mine was "EliLovesThePhilippines", so we really need your help reporting him. And also, keeps saying the same thing in the game when we had the big argument which was, "I don't care didn't ask" and kept spamming it even though he asked like 1m times already. And also said I was "motherless" even though I'm not and he said, "No one cares about YOU" and my entire family, pets and friends do so yeah please report him.
