Retro Pixel Gauntlet + Local Co-Op Fun -- HammerWatch #01

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Duration: 22:37

HammerWatch is a retro, indie, local co-op, action RPG about slaughtering masses of monsters, scoring coins + treasure, and eating sweet, delicious apples.
You can upgrade your character at merchants scattered though the lvls, choosing which ability to spec your character towards, as you can't afford them all.

There are many different characters to play, like the tankie Paladin, the Ranger, the Wizard, Warlock, Priest, Thief, or Sorcerer; they all have different abilities, with the melee characters presenting a special challenge due to their need to be front and center of the action. I find using the environment to funnel my foes, then lawnmowering through them, works wonders. :)

HammerWatch is by the same developer as the more recent Heroes of HammerWatch, which I have played as well. Did I mention HammerWatch's awesome pixel graphics yet? Or that it's local Co-op, with a build-in lvl editor, and the ability to download maps?

Concerning gameplay, think Gauntlet, but harder, or a more approachable Diablo.

I'm playing on hard; watch me play?

On Sale on GOG for $2 (75% off til 06/15/20)

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