Spun up IsardVDI

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nscsa_alVi4

Duration: 2:44:56

This video was going to be me excited about IsardVDI, and a 30 minute walk through what I had done so far. And it was working - at least SPICE was working correctly/fine but alas seems broken now. The video got overlong as I fettled things trying to get it working again. Ho hum. Its probably fixable, but that requires more work, research. IF I fix it, I'll follow up with the howto..
I have already rebuilt it several times, so may do that again. Anyway - to cut to the chase here, if I have KASM built, and I do some containers there, then this provides a VDI foil to that with the ability to run windows hosts as well.

Binned using as a VM due to nested virt issues.
Went bare metal.
During the setup phase - where you CP the config ---- EDIT THE CONFIG ------ and change domain=localhost to your IP or domain.
^^^ important if you want to view the machines from anywhere else apart from localhost.

I think IsardVDI is a really interesting project. It needs a reasonable set of skills and a deeper set of working know how round docker and KVM. We learn as we crash and burn. :)
