[Stream] Gods Eater Burst -- Opening

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be6VohsmSRE

Duration: 2:46

This is a side effect of the test/output/stream/whatever ...thing... that I was working on previously... it's not really much of an extra test, it just sorta came alive on its own as a separate incidental side effect.


So basically I happened to end up on a PlayStation Plus trial at about the time that Gods Eater Burst was in the "free" rotation, and I couldn't resist using it as a pretext for more random testing and whatnot.

As such... nothing changed in terms of my recording process since the other tests, but I had something of a fire lit under my feet to play it... and why not use it as a sort of excuse to share with some other people nearby (including the already-Plus member who gave me the free trial but didn't have a handheld with which to sample this particular offering) and not-so-nearby who held some kind of interest. (What weirdos, right?!)

I guess, if anything, we can pretend that this is a sort of different kind of imagery and movement to see how my ill-advised composite S-Video streaming would handle it... and it doesn't particularly disappoint. Even if the operator is too stupid to have noticed that the obvious circles are, in fact, ovals... or ellipses... or something. Curse you, circles! You've ruined me and my perceptions again!

...if we want a more honest answer as to what the heck this is doing on YouTube, though... I just kinda like it. God(s) Eaters are kinda like the intentionally hipper, quicker, and "cooler" cousins to Monster Hunters, and it's pretty obvious that was the idea in more ways than one as you take a look at the specific details of the game itself. I'm not willing to call it a serious contender for a gold crown Monster Hunter hunter, but it makes a very good silver crown attempt for something that just kinda happened to crop up for whatever reason with some pretty big shoes to imitate, fabricate, and then try to fill.

The soundtrack is also what I figure to be one of those love-it-or-hate-it situations, because it's VERY deep off the diving board that is a certain flavor of pop that many have lots of differing opinions on... but I have to say, it's managed to bite and infect me with oracle cells. (You should probably take a step or two away, just for your own safety.)

Suddenly I'm quite sad that "Over the Clouds" (this game's opening theme) is one of the songs cut from the International release of Project X Zone...


Anyway, I'm no longer a "Plus" program participant, so no more Gods Eater Burst for me for awhile... although if a severe enough discount presented itself to me, I'd probably be more than inclined to buy it.

...the lingering question about that is... "can" I? I mean, obviously I don't actually "own" it... I "bought" a free lease to play it on the condition that I was a Plus subscriber, which I had no intention of actually continuing, seeing as how I only have a PSP and I mostly play it as a bit of a portal into several curiosities I've had over time and for that I'm more than pleased with my lack of any real major investment.

If it's a regular sale, sure, I guess it'd work out all right. Because I DON'T really own the game... but what if it's a Plus-exclusive sale? What if I happened to semi-coincidentally be a Plus member at the same time, then what? I already "own" the license to play it for free as a then-hypothetically Plus user... huh... my head hurts. Also I'm pretty sure this isn't one of the usual kinds of questions you'd find asked, much less answered... because let's face it, if you accumulate enough perma-leased "equity," you'll find the idea of continuing to carry on with the standing arrangement far more beneficial than not, so you'll either be all-in or all-out and NOT in the situation I'm presently contemplating.

Don't get me wrong, I consider Plus the just-as-nefarious, but more carrot-shaped-and-flavored stick than what Xbox LIVE Gold represents, particularly since they're giving incentives to stay enrolled rather than gating off large parts of the normally-free parts of the service until you pay them... but that's not the point, that'd be comparing apples and oranges and all the orange fans would totally love to yell their opinions from the mountaintop for even the SUGGESTION that they might actually like apples if they'd just try them... except they don't own an apple tree, so the whole point is totally moot... uh... wait, what was I saying again?

Oh well, it was fun, you God and/or Gods Eaters (politically-judicious localization is a funny thing), and I hope we meet again. I don't think you'll particularly replace my obsession with the OTHER giant monsters one might end up... hunting... ... ...but, you're fun and try some different things as a much lighter snackfood substitute. I would devour you again any day, so let's keep our fingers crossed or something.
