The Adventures of Willy Beamish (1991) PC Dos

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Duration: 14:23

Title: Adventures of Willy Beamish
Publisher: Sierra Online
Developer: Dynamix
Published: 1991
Format: PC Dos 5.0 to 6.0

This game was a typical Sierra game, like the Kings Quest series, Leisure Suit Larry series, Space Quest series, and Police Quest series. It was much more user friendly compared to the earlier Sierra games of this type, you didn't have to type in commands, it was point and click, and dialogues could be selected. The game was developed by Dynamix which was a gaming company that was known for making very good simulators. Never the less, they did adventure games, like Heart of China, and Betrayal of Krondor to name a few.

The Adventures of Willy Beamish was a pretty big game at the time, and I believe it had about 6 3.5 inch high density disks. You needed a hard drive to play this game, it required a standard VGA graphics, and a sound card. I never really owned this game, I played it at my cousin's house on his 486 DX2 66 in 1993. The graphics were cartoon like, and it was very good. You had animations with a still picture background. This style of game was called an interactive movie, and it became very popular in the early 1990s to the late 1990s. When CD-ROM players became popular on PCs, it was possible to make an entire interactive movie on a PC. Tastes change, and it was replaced with 3d animated games in the late 1990s.

The story line of the game is that you are a kid, and you play life of a kid. The game does require critical thinking, like the other Sierra interactive games, like Kings Quest series, etc. PC games back in those days were much more difficult than the games of today. A game like Quest for Camelot took a lot of brain power to complete. Also computers were much more difficult to use back in the Dos days, you needed to know Dos commands.

The significance of this game was that it opened the door to interactive games with animated graphics. The sound and music for this game was excellent. I would say, this game was near the pinnacle of its development in this type of game.
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The Adventures of Willy Beamish Sierra Online