The EPIC conclusion to the Ashran vs. R.R! Talk about a HULK SMASH with the AA! | Dragonflight # 468

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World of WarCraft
Duration: 12:20

The match may not have looked like it was going our way, but we had the Ancient Artifact, so being pushed back to our base didn't really look so bad after all! But the second Ancient Inferno spawned and we tried to get back to the Ring of Conquest to claim a second one, but they sent too many before we could get there! They tried pushing into our base on several occasions and even had their Tree a couple times, but the bottleneck on our bridge was enough for us to keep them out of our base and then start picking off the ones that did make it in, and/or got gripped or ported in for us to go to town on! It was an HK farm until the very end, all we had to do, was make sure our boss stayed full health while dropping them!

Original Date / Time:
February 10th, 2024
1 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds

#Mesostealthy #ForTheHorde #RandomEpicBattlegrounds

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World of Warcraft
Alterac Valley Maniacs
Random Epic Battlegrounds
For The Horde
more matches
are lasting
long enough
for two ancient artifacts
back and forth
in this one
we lost our mage
can't kill theirs
so we must
farm hk's
honorable kills
second aa spawns
epic conclusion
hold them at our base
keep farming

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Currently, Mesostealthy has 142,353 views for World of WarCraft across 2,628 videos. His channel published over 14 days worth of content for the game, roughly 97.09% of World of WarCraft content that Mesostealthy has uploaded to YouTube.