The Feral Predator - Yautja Explained (PREY Movie)

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Duration: 8:03

The Feral Predator - Yautja Explained from the Prey movie (2022)

The Feral Predator was the main antagonist of the Prey movie.
He was a member of a different Yautja species never seen before.
In appearance, the Feral Predator stands at over 7 feet in height, and has brown, black, and tan skin-tones with mottled patterns; towards the centre of his back around the spinal area, it takes on a red hue.

He has Black dreadlocks, which are noticeably thinner than those seen on Classic and Super Predators, and are also missing the small ringlets. He also has small versions of them growing from his shoulders.
He has a Biomask of an unusual design, it does not cover his mandibles, and has an animal skull attached over the front.
It has a tri-laser targeting system for aiming his weapon;

unlike most Predators, where it’s used to aim a Plasmacaster, here, it is used instead to aim his Spear Launcher.
Underneath the mask, his head structure is fairly reminiscent to that of a Super Predator, but with mandibles more like a Classic Predator. His eyes also differ to both species.
Feral Predator wears very little in the way of armour, except for around his loincloth, and he also has a pair of wrist gauntlets.
He has a large backpack located on the right-hand side instead of the left, which is used to store his medical kit, and dissolving liquid.

This Yautja is incredibly strong, and able to lift a fully-grown Grizzly Bear over his head, which can weigh over 300kg.
He is also very fast and agile, able to run faster than a Human, and can jump among trees with great speed.

Feral is shown to choose fighting up close with enemies as a preference, and is skilled with melee weapons, defeating multiple opponents at times.
He is also a powerful hand-to-hand fighter, and killed a Grizzly Bear unarmed.
He does, however, have a tendency to be overconfident, and at times does underestimate some of his prey, leading to him taking a lot of damage.
Feral arrived on a Predator scout-ship that dropped him off directly rather than using drop-pods. This ship had a design with two engine pods mounted either side of the fuselage, and could cloak itself.

Feral Predators weapons and equipment consist of:
A Biomask, with enhanced thermal vision, and heads up display.
Gauntlets with a set of Retractable Wristblades, these have a more hooked shape to them than normally seen, and on the other, a Shield for protection, which doubles as a close quarters weapon.
A Spear tip launcher, which works using a magnetic field to load and fire projectiles. It holds up to three rounds, and is aimed using the Biomasks laser sight, the Predator can use all three dots to target a specific body part each; once fired, the rounds will home in on the lasers.
A Combistick, which can be used as one or two pieces; one end has a barbed blade, and the other has a club.
A Razor Net, that’ll constrict around the prey animal, dicing them into tiny pieces; this version is thrown by hand, instead of being fired.
Cutting Tools, which, when hit against an object, will curl around and cut it; normally used to free the Predator from traps, but can double as an offensive weapon.
A mine trap, which can be set and left on the ground to deal with multiple enemies if the Predator gets overwhelmed.
Medkit for healing wounds.
Dissolving Liquid for preparing Trophies.

And Cloaking device, which is not shorted out by water. It will begin to fail if it’s hit with a weapon.
When the Feral Predator arrived to begin his first hunt on Earth, he set out to make trophies of the local wildlife.

His first kill was a Rattlesnake, which he impaled with his Wristblades, then skinned, and left on the forest-floor.
Next was a Wolf, which he studied as it chased down a Rabbit; it was a quick battle, which ended with Feral claiming it’s skull for his first trophy.

He then targeted a Grizzly Bear, it seemed to be taking control of the fight, but the Predator recovered, and finished with a blow to the side of its head.

Later, he battled and defeated some Comanche Hunters, and chased Naru through some tall grass until she got captured by Fur-trappers, and used as bait to draw the Predator into a trap.

He then battled the Fur Trappers and killed them, while Naru escaped.
He later reappeared where one of the last Fur Trappers had made a trade with Naru, his Flintlock pistol, for her medicinal flowers, which would cool his body temperature, slowing his bleeding from his missing foot.
He played dead and Feral couldn’t see him; until he stood on his leg and he cried out in pain, and he then finished him off.
Naru’s brother Taabe arrived and hit him in the head, knocking off his mask; Feral fired at him with his speargun, and Naru noticed they landed where his masks lasers were pointing.
After a gruelling fight, Taabe was eventually killed by the Predator, but before he died, he bought Naru enough time to escape.


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prey 2022
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