天神密碼保護無價生命 我們知道您的昨天今天明天 The God's Code protects Priceless Life We know your yesterday today tomorrow

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doyArtdykfY

Duration: 1:21

How to prevent the virus from endangering your safety and life, you should isolate the source of infection, avoid being infected by the virus, understand your dates for disease (including Covid-19) and life-danger, stay at home, and take protective safety measures to prevent being infected by the virus.



"The God's Code" protects "Priceless Life"

We know your yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Our computer artificial intelligence AI can output the event symbols on each day in your past 100 days or more, for you to examine your past destined fate better.

Our computer artificial intelligence AI can also output the event symbols on each day in your future 100 days or more, for you to examine your future destined fate in advance.

This is your ONLY CHANCE to escape from any form of possible illness (including virus infection) and life dangers (including physical injuries and death) in the future days.

We don't need to know your name, address, and phone number at all.

We only need to know your Birth Year, Month, Day, Bi-Hour Time, and "male/female Gender".

Combined with the "Starting Date to calculate", we can instantly output your personal "Daily Occurrence List of Event Symbols" for the past, present, and future, any 100 days.

Therefore, your personal "Daily Occurrence List of Event Symbols" for the past 100 days allows you to fully check "accuracy" because we do not need to know your name, address, and phone number, nor do we know you (Who You are?) at all. So there is absolutely no drawback of "after the fact", allowing you to fully check its "accuracy" with the "Secrets of Life" that you can only know personally.

Your personal "Daily Occurrence List of Event Symbols" for the next 100 days, allowing you to anticipate your future dates of illnesses (including Covid-19 virus infections) and life dangers, stay at home, and take protective safety measures, to prevent virus infections, or to prevent car accidents, floods, fires, injuries, falls and other bad lucks to be happened.


Daily Occurrence List of Event Symbols

1 - 20220301 (Day 1)


73 - 20220512 (Day 73)

The Fate Event Symbols on this Day:
( T運 98 )( S偏 80 ) [ Δ活4 ] !危 D險 0空     G天 N神   B出 C出 C2出   I入 I3入 Q發

The Fate Event Symbols of this Month:
( T運 98 )( S偏 90 ) [ Δ活7 ] A煩 X損     F地 N神   C出 C2出   I入 I2入

The Fate Event Symbols in this Year:
( T運 204.4 )( S偏 200 ) [ Δ活7 ]   V勝   N神 U強   C出   I入 I2入 Q發

74 - 20220513 (Day 74)

The Fate Event Symbols on this Day:
( T運 98 )( S偏 50 ) [ Δ活7 ] X損 H病     F地 N神 U強   B出 C出 C2出   I入 I2入

The Fate Event Symbols of this Month:
( T運 98 )( S偏 90 ) [ Δ活7 ] A煩 X損     F地 N神   C出 C2出   I入 I2入

The Fate Event Symbols in this Year:
( T運 204.4 )( S偏 200 ) [ Δ活7 ]   V勝   N神 U強   C出   I入 I2入 Q發


100 - 20220608 (Day 100)

Event Symbols

!危 D險 - Life-dangers

H病 - Hospital


如何防止病毒危害自己的安全和生命,應要隔離傳染源,避免被病毒感染,了解自己未來的疫病 (包括 Covid-19) 和生命危險日期,待在家裡,並採取保護性安全措施,防止被病毒感染。




我們的電腦人工智慧 AI 可以輸出您在過去 100 天或是更長時間每一天的事件代碼符號,讓您更佳地檢視您過去的命運。

我們的電腦人工智慧 AI 還可以輸出您在未來 100 天或是更長時間每一天的事件代碼符號,讓您提前預知您未來的命運。

這是您在未來的日子裡擺脫任何形式的可能疾病 (包括病毒感染) 和生命危險 (包括身體傷害和死亡) 的唯一機會。



再加上「起算日期」,我們就可即時輸出過去、現在、與未來、任何 100 天內,您個人的「每日發生事件代碼符號表」。

因此,在過去 100 天,您個人的「每日發生事件代碼符號表」,可讓您充分檢視「準確性」,因為我們完全不需要知道您的姓名、地址、和電話,也完全不知道您是「誰?」,因此完全沒有「事後諸葛亮」的弊端,可讓您充分以自己個人才能知道的「人生祕密」檢視其「準確性」。

在未來 100 天,您個人的「每日發生事件代碼符號表」,可讓您預先了解自己未來的疫病 (包括 Covid-19 病毒感染) 和生命危險日期,待在家裡,並採取保護性安全措施,防止被病毒感染,或防止車禍、水災、火災、受傷、摔倒等凶事發生。


1 - 20220301 (第1天)


73 - 20220512 (第73天)

The Fate Event Symbols on this Day:
( T運 98 )( S偏 80 ) [ Δ活4 ] !危 D險 0空     G天 N神   B出 C出 C2出   I入 I3入 Q發

The Fate Event Symbols of this Month:
( T運 98 )( S偏 90 ) [ Δ活7 ] A煩 X損     F地 N神   C出 C2出   I入 I2入

The Fate Event Symbols in this Year:
( T運 204.4 )( S偏 200 ) [ Δ活7 ]   V勝   N神 U強   C出   I入 I2入 Q發

74 - 20220513 (第74天)

The Fate Event Symbols on this Day:
( T運 98 )( S偏 50 ) [ Δ活7 ] X損 H病     F地 N神 U強   B出 C出 C2出   I入 I2入

The Fate Event Symbols of this Month:
( T運 98 )( S偏 90 ) [ Δ活7 ] A煩 X損     F地 N神   C出 C2出   I入 I2入

The Fate Event Symbols in this Year:
( T運 204.4 )( S偏 200 ) [ Δ活7 ]   V勝   N神 U強   C出   I入 I2入 Q發


100 - 20220608 (第100天)


!危 D險 - 生命危險

H病 - 生病





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