What Was "Sonic Genesis"? And how does it relate to the upcoming "Genesis of A Hero" 1/2

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00TvfwA3zkA

Duration: 19:47

Well, "Sonic Genesis" was A 20th Anniversary 4-part arc that was written by Ian Flynn (@IanFlynnBKC) to tie into Sonic's 20th Anniversary at the time. It was a story built over time since issue 200.

Long story short (cause I know some don't want to read too much text), From a story persepective, do to various defeats at the hands of Sonic and The Freedom Fighters, Dr. Eggman was losing his grip on his sanity, and when the 200th issue came around, (which was part of a three parter), once again Sonic defeated Eggman, and this defeat was the one that sent Eggman over the edge.
So for nearly a year of issues in the main comic, Eggman was locked up, first in a padded room in Robotottopils, and then in a cell in New Mobotroplis.

Now it was during his time in this cell, that he started to regain his sanity and basically put 2 and 2 together, and realized that the reason Sonic always beats him was because of Sonic's connection to the power of chaos.
So after fully regaining his sanity, he escaped and went to work on secretly building the Death Egg MK II with a built-in Global Robotizer that would allow him to robotize the entire planet and destory anything mechnical as well as altering reality in his own image.

Now not to make this long, but long story short, Eggman goes though with his plan, however it kinda backfires, becasue instead of altering the timeline in his favor and getting rid of Sonic and his friends, it just temporaily wiped the slate clean with a thing that has become known as the Genesis Wave.
The Genesis Wave recreated the world in the image of Sonic 1-3/&Knuckles (thus the arc being named Sonic Genesis) and basically served as a sorta soft retcon orgin of Sonic and how he met his friends.
The key factor later on through, was both Sonic and Sally slowly regaining their memoires of the pervious timeline, which is the backfire on Eggman's part that I talked about eariler.
So after going Super, memory (along with Sally's) restored, Sonic was able to restore everything back to normal.

Then of course we got the near 2 year (20 issues, both comics combined), Mecha Sally/Death Egg MK II/World Tour 2 Arc, which didn't go and end the way Ian Flynn was hoping, due to behind the scenes legal issues between Archie, Sega and former writer Ken Penders.
This is where the first Sonic/Mega Man Crossover came into play, which setup at the end of Sonic #251, the newly soft Retconned/rebooted World we now currently have. This lead into the reintroduction arc "Countdown to Chaos", where one of the plot points was Nicole restoring the memories of all the freedom fighters with the expection of Sonic.
This has lead us into where we are now, after 2 years , and 4 months worth of issues of the main comic, the Upcoming "Panic In The Sky" will conclued what has been dubbed "The Shattered World Crisis/Sonic Unleashed" Adapation arc.
How this will end in Sonic #287, one can only guess. But many have said that another soft reboot would be too soon, espeically after 30 issues/months of world rebuilding and character restablishing. So I think this (Genesis of A Hero) may be a side story to showcase a retelling of how Sonic became the hero that is and possibly how he met Sally and the Freedom Fighters.

In closing, this how "Sonic Genesis" relates to "Genesis of a Hero". Not only are both anniversary issues, but both are connected via ONE BIG storyarc that started out one way, and has/is being concluded another.

Thanks all for reading and God Bless.

Sally Acorn
Sonic THe Hedgehog
Archie Comics
Bunnie Rabbot
Ian Flynn